2014年7月15日 星期二


蘋果日報 20140715 
蔣偉寧 小檔案
◆家庭:已婚、育有 2
教育部長(2012/2/6 上任,昨請辭獲准)
論文審查作假 事件簿
2007 年起 
2013 年 
2014 年
05      美國維吉尼亞理工大學教授奈菲因此事辭去該期刊總編輯
 《震動與控制期刊》宣布撤回與陳震遠相關的 60 篇論文
 媒體發現 60 篇遭撤回的論文中,有 5 篇蔣偉寧掛名共同作者,蔣回應未涉入此事、不認識陳震遠
 蔣偉寧被爆和陳震遠曾合作至少 12 篇論文
 蔣偉寧出面表示只和陳震遠見過 2 次面

新聞來源:The Washington Post July 14, 2014
作者:Fred Barbash 
The peer review scandal that produced 60 retractions from an academic journal last week claimed a high-ranking official of the government of Taiwan on Monday. The state-run news agency CNA reported the resignation of the minister of education, a scientist whose name was listed as a co-author of at least five of the retracted articles.
The government had earlier said the name of the minister, Chiang Wei-ling, was added to the papers without his knowledge. He stood by that claim Monday at a news conference. Opposition parties had called for his resignation in the wake of the retractions.
CNA also said the affair is also now the subject of an investigation by Taiwanese prosecutors.
While the journal itself is not well-known, the allegations surrounding it and the apparently unprecedented number of retractions — made in one fell swoop — have attracted worldwide attention, particularly in academic circles, where the value and integrity of the peer-review process has increasingly been questioned.
On Thursday, The Washington Post and other news organizations reported that an academic journal of acoustics called the Journal of Vibration and Control had retracted 60 “scholarly” papers after discovering a “peer-review ring” that rigged the vetting process designed to ensure the value and integrity of published research.
SAGE, the group that operates the journal, revealed that Peter Chen, the Taiwanese academic who published under the name C.Y. Chen, had orchestrated fake peer reviews of his work and the work of his co-authors to get them past editors at the journal. Chen’s twin brother, C.W. Chen, was also listed as an author on many of the articles. C.W. Chen is a former student of the education minister, according to the Taipei Times.
Peter Chen, who left his post at National Pingtung University of Education during the investigation, reportedly issued a statement over the weekend saying that he had been “indiscreet” in using the education minister’s name on some of the papers. Reports about Peter Chen’s statement made no mention of whether he admitted to the allegations leveled against him by SAGE. He has been unavailable for comment to news organizations since the allegations emerged.
The SAGE investigation said Chen allegedly used fake e-mail addresses, fabricated identities and phony reviews to get 60 papers past the journal’s peer review.
Some reviews recommending the papers for publication were written by Peter Chen himself using the names of others at genuine academic institutions, the journal said as it made the retractions. Some, a SAGE spokesman said, were written by others, and no academic affiliation was provided — just the name of a country.
At a news conference, the departing minister said that “after reflection overnight, in order to safeguard my own reputation … I’ve decided to resign as the education minister,” according to Channel News Asia.
Apart from the role of the education minister, the Taiwan government’s interest has been piqued by a report that its science ministry may have funded the research for 40 of the papers at a cost of about $169,000, according to CNA.
The sheer number of published papers — 60 between 2010 and 2013 — has raised eyebrows as well. CNA quoted Wu Maw-kuen, president of National Dong Hwa University, wondering how anyone could possibly produce so many papers in so short a time. Whether that occurred to the editors of the journal is unknown.
The editor, Ali H. Nayfeh, has resigned. Efforts by The Washington Post to locate him have been unsuccessful. He is listed as a professor emeritus at Virginia Tech and is the recipient of numerous professional awards.
The articles have titles such as “Modified intelligent genetic algorithm-based adaptive neural network control for uncertain structural systems” and “Sensitivity of initial damage detection for steel structures using the Hilbert-Huang transform method.”
Fred Barbash, the editor of Morning Mix, is a former National Editor and London Bureau Chief for the Washington Post.

新聞來源:Retraction Watch July 8, 2014 at 11:41 am
作者:Ivan Oransky
This one deserves a “wow.”
SAGE Publishers is retracting 60 articles from the Journal of Vibration and Control after an investigation revealed a “peer review and citation ring” involving a professor in Taiwan.
London, UK (08 July 2014) – SAGE announces the retraction of 60 articles implicated in a peer review and citation ring at the Journal of Vibration and Control (JVC). The full extent of the peer review ring has been uncovered following a 14 month SAGE-led investigation, and centres on the strongly suspected misconduct of Peter Chen, formerly of National Pingtung University of Education, Taiwan (NPUE) and possibly other authors at this institution.
In 2013 the then Editor-in-Chief of JVC, Professor Ali H. Nayfeh,and SAGE became aware of a potential peer review ring involving assumed and fabricated identities used to manipulate the online submission system SAGE Track powered by ScholarOne Manuscripts™. Immediate action was taken to prevent JVC from being exploited further, and a complex investigation throughout 2013 and 2014 was undertaken with the full cooperation of Professor Nayfeh and subsequently NPUE.
In total 60 articles have been retracted from JVC after evidence led to at least one author or reviewer being implicated in the peer review ring. Now that the investigation is complete, and the authors have been notified of the findings, we are in a position to make this statement.
While investigating the JVC papers submitted and reviewed by Peter Chen, it was discovered that the author had created various aliases on SAGE Track, providing different email addresses to set up more than one account. Consequently, SAGE scrutinised further the co-authors of and reviewers selected for Peter Chen’s papers, these names appeared to form part of a peer review ring. The investigation also revealed that on at least one occasion, the author Peter Chen reviewed his own paper under one of the aliases he had created.
SAGE and Nayfeh then confronted Chen with the allegations, and weren’t satisfied with the responses, so in September 2013 they alerted NPUE to the case. Chen resigned from NPUE on February 2, 2014, according to the release, and in May Nayfeh retired and resigned as editor in chief of the JVC.
Here’s the notice:
In 2013 the Editor of Journal of Vibration and Control and SAGE became aware of a peer review ring involving assumed and fabricated identities that appeared to centre around Peter Chen at National Pingtung University of Education, Taiwan (NPUE). SAGE and the Editor then began a complex investigation into the case during the rest of 2013 and 2014. Following an unsatisfactory response from Peter Chen, NPUE was notified.
NPUE were serious in addressing the Journal and SAGE’s concerns. NPUE confirmed that the institution was investigating Peter Chen. SAGE subsequently uncovered a citation ring involving the above mentioned author and others.
We regret that individual authors have compromised the academic record by perverting the peer review process and apologise to readers. On uncovering problems with peer review and citation SAGE immediately put steps in place to avoid similar vulnerability of the Journal to exploitation in the future. More information may be found at www.sagepub.co.uk/JVC_Statement_2014.
The Journal and SAGE understand from NPUE that Peter Chen has resigned his post at NPUE.
The following articles are retracted because after thorough investigation evidence points towards them having at least one author or being reviewed by at least one reviewer who has been implicated in the peer review ring and/or citation ring. All authors have had an opportunity to respond to the allegations and proposed actions.
OnlineFirst articles (these articles will not be published in an issue)
Chen CY, Chen T-H, Chen Y-H, Yu S-E and Chung P-Y (2013) Information technology system modeling an integrated C-TAM-TPB model to the validation of ocean tidal analyses Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 7 May 2013. doi: 10.1177/1077546312472924
Chang R-F, Chen CY, Su F-P and Lin H-C (2013) A two-step approach for broadband digital signal processing technique Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 26 April 2013. doi: 10.1177/1077546312472925
Chen TH, Chang CJ, Yu SE, Chung PY and Liu C-K (2013) Nonlinear information analysis and system management technique: the influence of design experience and control complexity Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 12 April 2013. doi: 10.1177/1077546312473321
Chen CY, Shih BY, Chen YH, Yu SE and Liu YC (2013) The exploration of a 3T flow model using vibrating NXT: II. Model validation Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 10 April 2013. doi: 10.1177/1077546312470481
Chen CY, Shih BY, Chen YH, Yu SE and Liu YC (2013) The exploration of 3T flow model using vibrating NXT: I. model formulation Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 6 February 2013. doi: 10.1177/1077546312467360
Lin M-L and Chen C-W (2013) Stability analysis of fuzzy-based NN modeling for ecosystems using fuzzy Lyapunov methods Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 6 February 2013. doi: 10.1177/1077546312466687
Chen CY, Chen TH, Chen YH and Chiu J (2012) A multi-stage method for deterministic-statistical analysis: a mathematical case and measurement studies Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 20 December 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312466579
Shih BY, Lin MC and Chen CY (2012) Autonomous navigation system for radiofrequency identification mobile robot e-book reader Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 13 December 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312466578
Chang RF, Chen CY, Su FP, Lin HC and Lu C-K (2012) Multiphase SUMO robot based on an agile modeling-driven process for a small mobile robot Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 13 December 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312464993
Shih B-Y, Lin Y-K, Cheng M-H, Chen C-Y and Chiu C-P (2012) The development of an application program interactive game-based information system Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 12 December 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312464682
Chen C-Y, Chang C-J and Lin C-H (2012) On dynamic access control in web 2.0 and cloud interactive information hub: technologies Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 12 December 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312464992
Shin BY, Chen CY and Hsu KH (2012) Robot cross platform system using innovative interactive theory and selection algorithms for Android application Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 13 November 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312463757
Articles published in an issue
Chen C-W (2014) Applications of neural-network-based fuzzy logic control to a nonlinear time-delay chaotic system Journal of Vibration and Control 20 (4): 589-605. Epub ahead of print 5 November 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312461370
Chen C-W (2014) A review of intelligent algorithm approaches and neural-fuzzy stability criteria for time-delay tension leg platform systems Journal of Vibration and Control 20 (4): 561-575. Epub ahead of print 5 November 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312463759
Chen C-Y, Chang C-J and Lin C-H (2014) On dynamic access control in web 2.0 and cloud interactive information hub: trends and theories Journal of Vibration and Control 20 (4): 548-560. Epub ahead of print 5 November 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312463762
Lin M-L and Chen C-W (2014) Stability conditions for ecosystem modeling using the fuzzy Lyapunov method Journal of Vibration and Control 20 (2): 290-302. Epub ahead of print 23 October 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312451301
Chen C-H, Kuo C-M, Hsieh S-H and Chen C-Y (2014) Highly efficient very-large-scale integration (VLSI) implementation of probabilistic neural network image interpolator Journal of Vibration and Control 20 (2): 218-224. Epub ahead of print 22 October 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312458822
Chen C-Y (2014) Wave vibration and simulation in dissipative media described by irregular boundary surfaces: a mathematical formulation Journal of Vibration and Control 20 (2): 191-203. Epub ahead of print 22 October 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312464258
Chen C-H, Yao T-K, Dai J-H and Chen C-Y (2014) A pipelined multiprocessor system- on-a-chip (SoC) design methodology for streaming signal processing Journal of Vibration and Control 20 (2): 163-178. Epub ahead of print 16 October 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312458821
Lin M-L and Chen C-W (2014) Fuzzy neural modeling for n-degree ecosystems using the linear matrix inequality approach Journal of Vibration and Control 20 (1): 82-93. Epub ahead of print 8 October 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312458533
Chen C-H, Wu W-X and Chen C-Y (2013) Ant-inspired collective problem-solving systems Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (16): 2481-2490. Epub ahead of print 18 September 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312456231
Chen C-H, Yao T-K, Kuo C-M and Chen C-Y (2013) Evolutionary design of constructive multilayer feedforward neural network Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (16): 2413-2420. Epub ahead of print 12 September 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312456726
Chen C-W (2013) Applications of the fuzzy-neural Lyapunov criterion to multiple time-delay systemsJournal of Vibration and Control 19 (13): 2054-2067. Epub ahead of print 16 August 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312451034
Chung P-Y, Chen Y-H, Walter L and Chen C-Y (2013) Influence and dynamics of a mobile robot control on mechanical components Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (13): 1923-1935. Epub ahead of print 20 July 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312452184
Chen C-W (2013) Neural network-based fuzzy logic parallel distributed compensation controller for structural system Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (11): 1709-1727. Epub ahead of print 22 June 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312442233
Chen C-W, Yeh K, Yang H-C, Liu KFR and Liu C-C (2013) A critical review of structural system control by the large-scaled neural network linear-deferential-inclusion-based criterion Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (11): 1658-1673. Epub ahead of print 18 June 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312443377
Chen C-H, Kuo C-M, Chen C-Y and Dai J-H (2013) The design and synthesis using hierarchical robotic discrete-event modeling Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (11): 1603-1613. Epub ahead of print 27 June 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312449645
Chang CJ, Chen CY and Chou I-T (2013) The design of information and communication technologies: telecom MOD strength machines Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (10): 1499-1513. Epub ahead of print 27 June 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312449644
Shih B-Y, Chen C-Y, Li K-H, Wu T-Y, Chen G-Y (2013) A novel NXT control method for implementing force sensing and recycling in a training robot Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (10): 1443-1459. Epub ahead of print 1 June 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312446361
Chen C-W, Chen P-C and Chiang W-L (2013) Modified intelligent genetic algorithm-based adaptive neural network control for uncertain structural systems Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (9): 1333-1347. Epub ahead of print 31 May 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312442232
Chen C-Y, Shih B-Y, Shih C-H and Wang L-H (2013) Enhancing robust and stability control of a humanoid biped robot: system identification approach. Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (8): 1199-1207. Epub ahead of print 26 April 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312442947
Chang C-J, Chen C-Y and Huang C-W (2013) Applications for medical recovery using wireless control of a bluetooth ball with a hybrid G-sensor and human-computer interface technology Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (8): 1139-1151. Epub ahead of print 24 April 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312442948
Hsu W-K, Chiou D-J, Chen C-W, Liu M-Y, Chiang W-L and Huang P-C (2013) Sensitivity of initial damage detection for steel structures using the Hilbert-Huang transform method Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (6): 857-878. Epub ahead of print 29 February 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546311434794
Chen C-Y, Shih B-Y, Shih C-H and Wang L-H (2013) Human–machine interface for the motion control of humanoid biped robots using a graphical user interface Motion Editor Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (6): 814-820. Epub ahead of print 23 February 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312437804
Chen C-Y (2013) Internal wave transport, nonlinear manifestation, and mixing in a stratified shear layer - technical briefs Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (3): 429-438. Epub ahead of print 18 January 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546311429337
Chen C-W (2013) Delay independent criterion for multiple time-delay systems and its application in building structure control systems Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (3): 395-414. Epub ahead of print 17 January 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546311429341
Chen C-Y, Shih B-Y, Shih C-H and Wang L-H (2013) Design, modeling and stability control for an actuated dynamic walking planar bipedal robot Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (3): 376-384. Epub ahead of print 17 January 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546311429476
Liu K-C, Liu Y-W, Chen C-Y and Huang W-C (2013) Nonlinear vibration of structural deterioration in reinforced concrete columns: experimental and theoretical investigation Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (3): 323-335. Epub ahead of print 17 January 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546311429477
Chen C-Y, Shih B-Y and Ma J-m (2013) Development for low-cost and cross-platform robot control environment Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (2): 228-233. Epub ahead of print 11 January 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546311430107
Shih B-Y, Chang H and Chen C-Y (2013) Path planning for autonomous robots – a comprehensive analysis by a greedy algorithm Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (1): 130-142. Epub ahead of print 17 January 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546311429841
Liu T-Y, Chiang W-L, Chen C-W, Hsu W-K, Lin C-W, Chiou D-J and Huang P-C (2012) Structural system identification for vibration bridges using the Hilbert–Huang transform Journal of Vibration and Control 18 (13): 1939-1956. Epub ahead of print 14 December 2011. doi: 10.1177/1077546311428347
Chen C-W (2012) Applications of the fuzzy Lyapunov linear matrix inequality criterion to a chaotic structural system Journal of Vibration and Control 18 (13): 1925-1938. Epub ahead of print 14 December 2011. doi: 10.1177/1077546311428346
Chen C-W (2012) Applications of linear differential inclusion-based criterion to a nonlinear chaotic system: a critical review Journal of Vibration and Control 18 (12): 1886-1899. Epub ahead of print 14 December 2011. doi: 10.1177/1077546311428345
Shih B-Y, Chen C-Y and Chou W (2012) An enhanced obstacle avoidance and path correction mechanism for an autonomous intelligent robot with multiple sensors Journal of Vibration and Control 18 (12): 1855-1864. Epub ahead of print 14 December 2011. doi: 10.1177/1077546311426734
Chen C-W, Yeh K, Liu KFR and Lin M-L (2012) Applications of fuzzy control to nonlinear time-delay systems using the linear matrix inequality fuzzy Lyapunov method Journal of Vibration and Control18 (10): 1561-1574. Epub ahead of print 18 October 2011. doi: 10.1177/1077546311410765
Chen C-Y (2012) A critical review of internal wave dynamics. Part 2 – Laboratory experiments and theoretical physics Journal of Vibration and Control 18 (7): 983-1008. Epub ahead of print 21 September 2011. doi: 10.1177/1077546310397561
Chen C-Y and Huang P-H (2012) Review of an autonomous humanoid robot and its mechanical control Journal of Vibration and Control 18 (7): 973-982. Epub ahead of print 21 September 2011. doi: 10.1177/1077546310395974
Shih B-Y, Chen C-Y, Chang H and Ma J-m (2012) Dynamics and control for robotic manipulators using a greedy algorithm approach Journal of Vibration and Control 18 (6): 859-866. Epub ahead of print 25 August 2011. doi: 10.1177/1077546311407649
Yeh K, Chen C-W, Lo DC and Liu KFR (2012) Neural-network fuzzy control for chaotic tuned mass damper systems with time delays Journal of Vibration and Control 18 (6): 785-795. Epub ahead of print 15 August 2011. doi: 10.1177/1077546311407538
Chen C-Y, Shih B-Y, Shih C-H and Chou W-C (2012) The development of autonomous low-cost biped mobile surveillance robot by intelligent bricks Journal of Vibration and Control 18 (5): 577-586. Epub ahead of print 21 April 2011. doi: 10.1177/1077546310371349
Chen C-Y (2012) A critical review of internal wave dynamics. Part 1 – Remote sensing and in-situ observations Journal of Vibration and Control 18 (3): 417-436. Epub ahead of print 13 July 2011. doi: 10.1177/1077546310395971
Tseng C-P, Chen C-W and Liu KFR (2012) Risk control allocation model for pressure vessels and piping project Journal of Vibration and Control 18 (3): 385-394. Epub ahead of print 13 July 2011. doi: 10.1177/1077546311403182
Lin M-L and Chen C-W (2011) Stability analysis of community and ecosystem hierarchies using the Lyapunov method Journal of Vibration and Control 17 (13): 1930-1937. Epub ahead of print 9 December 2010. doi: 10.1177/1077546310385737
Chen C-Y, Shih B-Y, Chou W-C, Li Y-J and Chen Y-H (2011) Obstacle avoidance design for a humanoid intelligent robot with ultrasonic sensors Journal of Vibration and Control 17 (12): 1798-1804. Epub ahead of print 26 November 2010. doi: 10.1177/1077546310381101
Chen C-W (2011) Fuzzy control of interconnected structural systems using the fuzzy Lyapunov method Journal of Vibration and Control 17 (11): 1693-1702. Epub ahead of print 23 November 2010. doi: 10.1177/1077546310379625
Shih B-Y, Chen C-Y and Chou W-C (2011) Obstacle avoidance using a path correction method for autonomous control of a biped intelligent robot Journal of Vibration and Control 17 (10): 1567-1573. Epub ahead of print 22 November 2010. doi: 10.1177/1077546310372004
Tang J-P, Chiou D-J, Chen C-W, Chiang W-L, Hsu W-K, Chen C-Y and Liu T-Y (2011) A case study of damage detection in benchmark buildings using a Hilbert-Huang Transform-based method Journal of Vibration and Control 17 (4): 623-636. Epub ahead of print 8 November 2010. doi: 10.1177/1077546309360053
Liu TY, Chiang WL, Chen CW, Hsu WK, Lu LC and Chu TJ (2011) Identification and monitoring of bridge health from ambient vibration data Journal of Vibration and Control 17 (4): 589-603. Epub ahead of print 12 November 2010. doi: 10.1177/1077546309360049
Lin JW, Huang CW, Shih CH and Chen CY (2011) Fuzzy Lyapunov Stability Analysis and NN Modeling for Tension Leg Platform Systems Journal of Vibration and Control 17 (1): 151-158. Epub ahead of print 25 August 2010. doi: 10.1177/1077546309350477
Lee WI, Chen CY, Kuo HM and Sui YC (2010) The Development of Half-circle Fuzzy Numbers and Application in Fuzzy Control Journal of Vibration and Control 16 (13): 1977-1987. Epub ahead of print 22 April 2010. doi: 10.1177/1077546309349849
This is not the first time we have seen retractions because a researcher managed to do his own peer review.
We’ll update this case as we learn more.
Update, 2:50 Eastern, 7/8/14: SAGE tells us that there may have been 130 fake email accounts involved. Here’s an email Q&A Cat Ferguson did with a SAGE spokesperson:
Aside from Peter Chen, how many other scientists were involved in the ring? 
We do not know the definitive number of individual scientists involved in this ring and cannot verify their identities due to the nature of the accounts registered with ScholarOne. However, we contacted 130 email accounts, a large number of which we believe to be either aliases or fabricated accounts. Many of the named individuals had more than one email address registered on our system.
Throughout the course of the investigation, the authors, co-authors and reviewers were asked to verify their accounts and email addresses provided on ScholarOne. SAGE made a note of suspicious or unresponsive email addresses and accounts. The authors were contacted once again in May 2014 to inform them that their paper/s would be retracted in the July 2014 issue.
All authors and reviewers were given time to respond and we did not receive ORCID verification from any of the 130 email addresses contacted.
Were any papers retracted that were not authored by Chen? 
Yes, and the full list of retracted articles can be found in the retraction notice:http://jvc.sagepub.com/content/20/10/1601.abstract
Is there any concern this problem might be more widespread?
We have undertaken a thorough investigation into this peer review ring and are confident that we have uncovered the full extent of the problem. Although attempts to mislead the academic community are extremely rare, there will occasionally be fraudulent and unethical individuals seeking to abuse the system. Both SAGE and Journal of Vibration and Control are committed to upholding the true spirit of peer review while continuing to introduce new measures to reinforce the review process.