2014年1月20日 星期一

阿巴多的交響樂並無終結 - Italian conductor Claudio Abbado 1933 - 2014

影片來源:euronews (in English)
Claudio Abbado has died at the age of 80 after a long illness, the Milan opera house Teatro alla...
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Claudio Abbado has died at the age of 80 after a long illness, the Milan opera house Teatro alla Scala has announced. The Italian was revered across the musical globe.
Abbado, who was a former director of La Scala, was once described by the Financial Times as the world's greatest conductor.
Among the many orchestras he conducted was the London Symphony Orchestra - the LSO between 1979 and 1988.
Abbado was named an Italian Senator for Life last August.
The conductor had been diagnosed with cancer in 2000 and succumbed to another bout of illness four years ago forcing La Scala to cancel concerts in which he had been due to take the baton.

影片來源:World News
ROME (AP) — Claudio Abbado, a star in the great generation of Italian conductors who was revered by musicians in the world's leading orchestras for developing a strong rapport with them while still allowing them their independence, died Monday. He was 80.
Abbado died at home in Bologna after a long illness, said Raffaella Grimaudo, spokeswoman for the Bologna mayor's office.
Abbado made his debut in 1960 at La Scala in his home city of Milan and went on to be its music director for nearly 20 years. Among his many other stints were as music director of the Vienna State Opera, the Berlin Philarmonic and the London Symphony Orchestra and as principal guest conductor of the Chicago Philharmonic.
Even as he battled illness in his later years, sharply cutting back on his appearances, Abbado founded his own all-star orchestra in Lucerne, Switzerland, and devoted more time to training young musicians and founding youth orchestras in Europe.
Just last year, Italy's president paid tribute to him by naming him senator for life. In an unusually personal message of condolences, President Giorgio Napolitano said Abbado had "honored the great musical tradition of our country in Europe and the rest of the world."
The Berlin Philharmonic, where Abbado was chief conductor from 1990 to 2002, said it was mourning "an extraordinary musician and person."
"His love of music and his insatiable curiosity were an inspiration to us," a statement on the orchestra's website said.
Abbado was known for his musical ability, for conducting his programs without scores and for his rapport with orchestra members.
He had suffered health problems for many years, resigning his Vienna Opera post for unspecified health reasons in 1991 and then undergoing stomach cancer surgery in 2000.
La Scala said illness forced the cancellation of two highly anticipated concerts in 2010 that were to have marked his return to the Milan opera house for the first time in 25 years and be the 50th anniversary of his conducting debut. The excitement had been such that Abbado had requested that 90,000 trees be planted in his name for the benefit of Milan residents as a living memorial to mark his return to the city. The project was later abandoned by the city as too costly.
A tribute on La Scala's website said Abbado had given the opera house "18 of his finest years," starting in 1986 when he was named musical director of the orchestra.
It hailed Abbado for leaving his mark as a conductor "without confines, as a musician without preconceptions, as a man of theater ready to risk, as a man of thought open to the world."
Over the years, Italian media had reported on tensions between Abbado and his successor at La Scala, Riccardo Muti. Muti invited Abbado to stage "Elektra" at the opera house, but the production was never put on due to apparent misunderstandings — Muti expected La Scala's orchestra and chorus to perform, while Abbado was planning to bring musicians from Vienna.
However, in later years, Muti denied there was bad blood between the two. He pointed to Abbado's performance in the summer of 2011 at the Ravenna Festival, founded and directed by Muti's wife.
Muti said Monday the loss of Abbado "heavily impoverishes the world of music and of art," the Italian news agency ANSA reported.
Abbado did eventually make his return to La Scala, after 26 years. He conducted Mahler on October 31, 2013, and received a 15-minute standing ovation, shouts of approval and showers of flowers.
Abbado was born June 26, 1933, into a family of musicians, studying with his violinist father, Michelangelo Abbado, at the Milan Conservatory in the 1950s.
He also studied composition and conducting and took cello and organ courses. He went on to study conducting in Vienna and in 1958 won the Koussevitsky Competition, bringing him to the attention of the Italian musical world.
Critics said Abbado had a special touch with orchestra members, giving them a degree of independence that assured their loyalty.
Abbado is survived by his second wife and four children.
A wake was planned for Tuesday in a Bologna church, where music will be played in tribute, the LaPresse agency reported from that city.
Biographical material in this story was written by retired Associated Press writer Victor L. Simpson. Nicole Winfield and Frances D'Emilio in Rome and Geir Moulson in Berlin contributed to this report.


In occasion of the bincentery of Teatro Comunale di Ferrara in 1998.
Gustav Mahler (1860-1911):
Symphony No.3
Part I
1.      Kräftig. Entschieden
Part II
2.      Tempo di Menuetto Sehr mäßig.
3.      Comodo Scherzando Ohne Hast.
4.      Sehr langsam – Misterioso
5.      Lustig im Tempo und keck im Ausdruck
6.      Langsam - Ruhevoll – Empfunden
Berlin Philharmonic
Marjana Lipovsek, controllo 
Arnold Schoenberg Chor
Südtiroler Kinderchor
Claudio Abbado

Text of Movement 4 - "Zarathustras Mitternachtslied" from Nietzsche's Also sprach Zarathustra:
O Mensch! Gib Acht!
Was spricht die tiefe Mitternacht?
"Ich schlief, ich schlief—,
aus tiefem Traum bin ich erwacht:—
Die Welt ist tief,
und tiefer als der Tag gedacht.
Tief ist ihr Weh—,
Lust—tiefer noch als Herzeleid.
Weh spricht: Vergeh!
Doch all' Lust will Ewigkeit—,
—will tiefe, tiefe Ewigkeit!"

Text of Movement 5 - "Es sungen drei Engel" from Des Knaben Wunderhorn:
Es sungen drei Engel einen süßen Gesang,
mit Freuden es selig in dem Himmel klang.
Sie jauchzten fröhlich auch dabei:
daß Petrus sei von Sünden frei!
Und als der Herr Jesus zu Tische saß,
mit seinen zwölf Jüngern das Abendmahl aß,
da sprach der Herr Jesus: "Was stehst du denn hier?
Wenn ich dich anseh', so weinest du mir!"
"Und sollt' ich nicht weinen, du gütiger Gott?
Ich hab' übertreten die zehn Gebot!
Ich gehe und weine ja bitterlich!
Ach komm und erbarme dich über mich!"
"Hast du denn übertreten die zehen Gebot,
so fall auf die Knie und bete zu Gott!
Liebe nur Gott in all Zeit!
So wirst du erlangen die himmlische Freud'."
Die himmlische Freud' ist eine selige Stadt,
die himmlische Freud', die kein Ende mehr hat!
Die himmlische Freude war Petro bereit't,
durch Jesum und allen zur Seligkeit.

演出時間:90' ~ 105'

馬勒第一、第二號交響曲討論的是生與死,到了第三號樂章時有了重大的改變。思考過了生與死的問題,豁然開達起來,以更大的篇幅唱出他的自然觀,把信仰的力量交給了大自然。當馬勒在為第三號交響曲選擇標題時舉棋不定,是要「值得欣喜的知識」(尼采的著作),還是「仲夏夜之夢」,但又不是根據莎士比亞的作品而寫的,或者是「牧神」呢? 馬勒曾經將好幾個標題的想法告訴妻子和好友馬爾特,但大家想法都差不多,後來在1898年出刊的總譜上就沒有留下標題。
1895年馬勒正在譜寫第三號交響曲,當年夏天,女小提琴家Natalie Bauer Lehner前來拜訪他,馬勒向她提到這一部作品,每個樂章都有不同的標題,都是一段對話,順序是第一樂章為「牧神甦醒,夏日即將來臨」、第二樂章為「牧場的花兒告訴我」、第三樂章為「森林中的動物告訴我」、第四樂章為「夜晚(人們)告訴我」、第五樂章為「晨鐘(天使)告訴我」、第六樂章為「愛情告訴我」。馬勒本來的計畫是創作了第七樂章「小孩子告訴」,但後來將這一個樂章,移到第四號交響曲的終樂章。馬勒對Natalie說:我想把這些樂章總稱為「值得欣喜的知識」,……事實上也的確是這樣。
第三號交響曲是馬勒交響作品中演出時間最長的創作,6個樂章總長度在一百分鐘左右,對於樂團的耐力和專注力均是挑戰。創作此曲時,馬勒已接任漢堡歌劇院的音樂總監,直到夏日度假時才有時間執筆,在大自然的懷抱下,第三號交響曲如同一個美麗大世界,花草、動物、人類、天使等紛紛躍上五線譜上;第四樂章次女高音以宣敘調的方式演唱尼采《查拉圖斯特拉如是說》(Also sprach Zarathustra)的詞句;第五樂章管弦樂團沒有用到小提琴,用了四個鐘的編制寫的F大調,兒童與女聲合唱團一同唱出樂章主題,歌詞選自詩集《少年的魔號》的〈三個天使齊唱一首好聽的歌〉,為樂曲畫下沉靜的休止符。

I.                   Kraftig: Entschieden 夏天來臨 
II.                Tempo di menuetto: Sehr massig 牧場的花兒告訴我
III.             Comodo. Scherzando. Ohne Hast 森林中的動物告訴我
IV.             Sehr langsam: Misterioso 夜告訴我 
V.                Lustig im Tempo und keck im Ausdruck 晨鐘告訴我 
VI.             Langsam. Ruhevoll. Empfunden 愛情告訴我

26 June 1933 – 20 January 2014
Chief Conductor of the Berliner Philharmoniker 1990 – 2002
Claudio Abbado
 Foto: Cordula Groth
We mourn the passing of an extraordinary musician and human being. His love for music and his insatiable curiosity were an inspiration to us and have left their mark on our music-making since his first concerts with us in 1966. We are proud to be able to number him among our chief conductors and be part of his musical legacy. His death is a tremendous loss for all of us. The Berliner Philharmoniker pay tribute to Claudio Abbado with deep love and gratitude.
Sir Simon Rattle pays tribute to the colleague: “We have lost a great musician and a very generous man. Ten years ago we all wondered whether he would survive the illness which has now claimed him, but instead, he, and we as musicians and public, could enjoy an extraordinary Indian Summer, in which all the facets of his art came together in an unforgettable way.
He said to me a few years ago, ‘Simon, my illness was terrible, but the results have not been all bad: I feel that somehow I hear from the inside of my body, as if the loss of my stomach gave me internal ears. I cannot express how wonderful that feels. And I still feel that music saved my life in that time!’
Always a great conductor, his performances in these last years were transcendent, and we all feel privileged to have witnessed them. Personally, he was always immensely kind and generous to me, from my earliest days as a conductor, and we kept warm and funny contact together even up to last Friday. He remains deep in my heart and memory.”
