2013年11月16日 星期六

愛護地球有理,”Arctic 30” 無罪!

There have been protests around the world against the detention of a group of Greenpeace activists by Russia after they protested against drilling in the Arctic.
In France, Oscar-winning actress Marion Cotillard joined Greenpeace activists in a cage near Paris’s Louvre museum.
She held a banner which read “I am a climate defender” and praised the bravery of those who “have the courage to defend the planet.”
Politicians and other celebrities from the world of arts also came to show their support.
In the UK, former Beatle Sir Paul Mc Cartney has written a personal letter to President Putin.
Protests are planned at over 70 Shell petrol stations around the UK on Saturday.
The 30 are currently being held in prisons in Saint Petersburg. Russian authorities have applied for an extension to detain the group for another three months.

資料來源:蘋果日報每日要聞 2013 11 17   
The cause of Greenpeace should be cause of all of us. Today, we're well aware that global warming is something absolutely real and terribly dangerous, but we nevertheless continue to allow actions which in the end are damaging to nature.
法國女星瑪莉詠柯蒂亞(Marion Cotillard)前天在法國巴黎羅浮宮前,將自己關進牢籠,呼籲俄國政府釋放因為在北極抗議被拘禁的 30 名綠色和平組織成員。 