2015年1月8日 星期四


Source: BBC7 January 2015 Last updated at 23:30 GMT
Vigils have been held in cities around Europe, in memory of the 12 people who lost their lives in a gun attack at the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.
Four of the magazine's well-known cartoonists, including its editor, were among those killed, as well as two police officers.

Source:  CNNAdded on 0519 GMT (1319 HKT) January 8, 2015
CNN's Tom Foreman profiles some of the cartoonists targeted in the Paris terror attack at Charlie Hebdo.

Source: CNN/發佈日期:201517
Natalie Nougayrède, former exec. editor of Le Monde, tells Christiane Amanpour the French media will rally around Charlie Hebdo and "will not step back."