2014年12月3日 星期三


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作者:法律人 2012.06.11
所謂「扁案」的 大荒謬
Five Absurdities in the Cases involving former President Chen.
Chen was wanted by the KMT, and that’s all the prosecution and the court need to know…
1. 史無前例,檢察官:「辦不出來就走人」
Prosecutor’s avowal to indict Chen, an unprecedented breach of impartiality.
2008 年 月 15 日,陳雲南主任檢察官率特偵組檢察官八人,一字排開召開記者會,宣示扁案「辦不出來就走人」,創下舉世司法史先例。
From the very beginning of the news breaking the investigation on Chen, the prosecution office has been gearing up, apparently under the pressure, if not dire direction, of the KMT, to lock down Chen instead of finding the related truth. This observation was initially made lucid when, on September 15th, 2008, the chief Prosecutor Yun-Nan Chen, accompanied by eight prosecutors assigned for the case under the Special Investigation Division (SID), made his epoch-making avowal that the investigation must indict Former President Chen otherwise the Chief Prosecutor would resign from his post. The whole operation of spreading the dragnet to catch the former president at any cost was hence initiated, without any scruples of justice maneuver or even political persecution based on false criminal claims.
2008 年 月 23 日,擔任國民黨秘書長的立委吳敦義質詢法務部長王清峰扁案相關人事,王清峰竟稱:「沒有問題,回去馬上交辦」。並於質詢結束後,立即前往國民黨中央黨部與吳敦義討論相關問題。
As the mission to nail down Chen has been publicly undertaken by the SID, the KMT political machine moved further to mobilize the Justice Ministry in the direction of catching Chen at any cost, blatantly without any reservations in open words exChenged in line of this ruthless political purging. This appalling fact was projected in the scene when then Minister of Justice Ching-Feng Wang publicly noted that, almost obsequiously, the case shall instantly be assigned and handled duly, when addressing to the inquiry made by then General Secretary of the KMT Dun-Yi Wu at the parliament interpellation meeting. Yet instead of returning to her office, Wang headed right to the headquarters of the KMT to discuss with, if not being briefed by, Dun-Yi Wu on how to proceed with the case against former president Chen.
2008 年 10 月 24 日,行政院長劉兆玄在立法院接受國民黨立委盧嘉辰質詢,關於平抑物價與「收押」陳水扁等議題,脫口說出:「我們盡快來做」。2008 年 11 月 11 日,陳水扁前總統被特偵組偵訊後,上手銬收押。
The mission to catch Chen has instantly become the priority of the KMT government as a whole. It took less than a month for the then prime minister Zhao-Suan Liu to publicly avow his involvement in the case against Chen. At a parliament interpellation meeting addressing to the inquiry directed by KMT parliament member Jia-Chen Lu on the efforts to level prices and, quite irrelevantly, to detain the former president Chen, prime minister Liu slipped his words and said “…we shall speed up all the efforts in this direction…”
And then a few weeks later, on November 11, 2008, after being interrogated by the SID for days, Former President Chen was humiliatingly handcuffed and delivered to his endless detention up to now, on vague claims of fraud and corruption, which were mostly overruled by subsequent court decisions. 
Chen was wanted by the KMT, and that’s all the prosecutors and the judges need to know…
Judge who was known to be prejudiced against Chen was singled out to illegally replace the legal judge to sentence Chen life imprisonment based on perjured declaration and fractioned facts.
特偵組收押、起訴陳水扁前總統,地方法院承審法官周占春合議庭於 2008 年 12 月 13 及 18 日兩度裁決無保釋放,台北地方法院違背法官法定原則,召開庭長會議,改由判決馬英九特別費案無罪的蔡守訓合議庭審理。蔡守訓法官接手後,果然一再裁決收押陳前總統,並判處重刑。
The investigation and the detention and indictment of Chen was indeed made with efficiency, yet the judge legally assigned for the case, Justice Zhan-Chun Zhou has twice rendered decision of releasing Chen free of bail. Yet the KMT influenced the Taipei district court to, in dire violation of the law and regulation, replace the legally assigned Justice Zhou with a Shou-Xun Cai, who was singled out to hear the case at issue based on his record of favoring Ying-Jiu Ma, later president of Taiwan, who was indicted on claims of embezzlement but was acquitted by Cai. It is a longstanding rule that the judge must be randomly determined by lot-picking to at least in formality avoid influence of prejudice. And a judge like Cai with reputation of favoring KMT should be challenged even if he got lot-picked for the case. But the KMT has wielded its influence on the court to bend the rule and renamed Cai to hear the case, to serve the purpose of the KMT to use the court to persecute Chen out of fragile legal ground. Cai did exactly, if not more than, what the KMT wanted and kept detaining Chen for years before sentencing him life and putting Chen in jail to rot and die away.
Perjured witnesses were forced by the prosecutor to be given for indictment
During the period of investigation, prosecutors in charge of the Chen case were alleged to have repeatedly coerced witnesses Zhong-Liang Gu and Li-Ping Du to make false accusation against Former President Chen. Du confessed later at court that she even committed suicide because the prosecutor has threatened to detain her if she refuse to cooperate to give false allegation against Chen; Gu also alleged with his attorney and treasurer during the court hearing of “Red Fire Case” that he faced threats during the investigation by the SID to make false allegation against Chen, and in fact the cash at question in the “Red Fire Case” did not go to Chen’s or his family’s pocket; Jie-Mu Li was also threatened by the prosecutor to state against Chen or he will lose hi pants in defying such order. Therefore, ironically, Chen was detained based on the case of “State Classified Fund,” but was, though eventually found not guilty in that respect, given tough sentence based on another coined-up case involving property purchase where false allegations were collected by prosecutors with coercion and illegal force. The whole record of the investigation, indictment, interrogation and even the court hearing were a chronicle of flagrant and hideous violation of due process, gross abuse of the power of justice, and dreadful persecution on human rights.
Protracted imprisonment is outrageous persecution since the corruption charge against Chen was overruled by the high court;
2006 年高檢署檢察官陳瑞仁以「國務機要費案」起訴總統夫人吳淑珍引發「紅衫軍事件」;2008 年陳水扁總統卸任後,立即被發布境管,不到半年立即由特偵組約談後收押;2011 年 月 26 日,高等法院更一審改判「國務機要費案」貪污部分全部無罪。
It is clear that the KMT has been determined to decimate Chen by all possible means, but all of the outstanding charges were proved groundless.
The KMT’s plot to overthrow Chen’s regime with abuse of judicial force began even years before Chen’s second term ended. In 2006, Prosecution Office of the High Court indicted the first lady madam Chen on claims of embezzlement over state classified fund, and triggered the rebellious movement of “Red Shirt Army,” which carried out a prolonged and chaotic encampment of people hostile to Chen at the square in front of the Presidential Palace. 
In 2008, Former President Chen was instantly imposed with departure banishment, a precursor of his impending ordeal. Half a year from then, the SID launched its investigation on him and shortly after interrogation and little if any criminal evidence, Chen was detained, endlessly till he was sentenced life in prison.
However, the High Court overruled the criminal sentence on corruption in the “State Classified Fund Case,” yet Chen remained imprisoned on ground of other minor charges. Chen’s health much deteriorated since 2011, but the KMT, in spite of international human rights institutions’ repeated pleadings and Chen’s personal request, ferociously rebutted any request to either improve the treatment to the former president in the prison or to render probation for Chen to receive sufficient medical check and treatment. The KMT is eager to rear the crop of its abuse of judicial force, that is the demise of Chen. And if rescue could not be not come in time, the perilous state of the Former President would soon lead to irreversible tragedy.
It is a pity that the image of a banal and corruptive official cast for the Former President Chen has somehow stabilized even among some of the used-to-be-fans of Chen, despite that all the far-fetched and fragmented charges have either proved ungrounded or still pending in the court deliberating.
自 2006 年「紅衫軍」、「國務機要費案」,到 2008 年 月 14 日,卸任後的陳水扁總統召開記者會,承認選舉結餘款未誠實申報,違反法律相關規定;並在吳淑珍主導下將錢匯出海外,因而向全國人民致歉,引發政敵圍剿與媒體大肆報導「扁家貪腐」以及所謂「四大案」。經過數年司法審理與政治沉澱,除了「國務機要費案」更一審改判無罪之外,「外交零用金案」、「二次金改案」等或因罪證不足甚至法官直斥是檢察官拼湊、臆測,二審法院大多判決無罪定讞。「南港展覽館案」更未起訴陳前總統,該案主角余政憲、吳淑珍也由貪汙罪改為圖利罪,且尚未定讞。
All the illegal, if not only inappropriate things Chen has directly or indirectly involved so far are the failure to declare the balance of his presidential campaign fund and the lack of guard on his wife’s wiring money overseas. The criminal cases the prosecutors had endeavored in fabricating to frame Chen are these: “1. The State Classified Fund Case,” “2. The Diplomatic Allowance Case,” “3. The Second Monetary Reform Case” and “4. the Nan-Kang Exhibition Hall Case.” The case 1 has been given an acquittal decision by retrial. The 2 and 3 cases are built on total lack of evidence and presumption and sentenced without legal ground, and have mostly not reached their final stage. The 4 case has not even named Chen as a defendant. Yet the persecuting imprisonment of the Former President is being carried on endlessly, with an openly adopted forecast that Chen will spend his limited days in the crucifying jail.
Chen has committed some flaws, but the pains imposed on him and his families have much exceeded what he and the rest deserve. 
If Chen would be left to wither and die in the torment of imprisonment, it would be equal to witness the death of judicial fairness and human rights causes in Taiwan.

資料來源: 獨孤木 - 狗救台灣
作者:獨孤木 2009.08.26
本來辜成允就打算付2億的仲介費,但是後來沒有買主,認為這個地不好賣,所以提高佣金到 億。可是,如果要行賄,不用加碼嗎?
更何況,2009 年 月 日與魏哲和對質審判筆錄中也澄清了,阿扁只為了這件事情,與行政院長、副院長、國科會主委與科管局李界木局長,五個人在總統府開過一個非正式的會議,會中沒有所謂討論,也沒有所謂共識,也沒有總統裁示要採第一案或是總統講三個月內談不成就拉倒或是三個月內必須要完成的事情,阿扁唯一所講到的是,「選舉是我的事情,其他事情你們行政部門去處理,該怎麼做就怎麼做」,就是這樣一個十來分鐘報告,最後草草結束。
依據起訴書記載,該案的土地價格,是由科管局建管組許勝昌、劉啟玲與達裕公司依法定程序展開土地先行使用及買賣議價程序,而於 2004 年 月 日經租金三次減價及土地售價八次減價之議價程序後,雙方達成以與市價相仿之每月每平方公尺租金新臺幣 35 元,每坪售價新臺幣 萬 650 元之價格。

資料來源: 獨孤木 - 狗救台灣
作者:獨孤木 2009.08.27
在檢方起訴書中,辜仲諒說辜成允給予新臺幣 億元佣金,可是阿扁與吳淑珍的認知,是辜仲諒提出之仲介費為新臺幣5億元,事後並有退還新臺幣1億元之事實。而蔡銘哲的說法,則是賄款 億元。辜成允則是說付了 億元,可是事後又收了蔡銘哲退回的 億元。
檢方指稱這 億元是辜成允匯錯了,蔡銘哲退款。事實上這種說法是被辜成允否認的。新台幣一億元不是新台幣一百塊,怎麼可能匯錯了?或是誤算?那真相到底為何?
蔡銘哲聲稱拿了一億元現金給吳淑珍,除了被告供詞之外,實際的證據在哪裡?這一點沒有查明,阿扁的貪污金額就變成了新臺幣1億元現鈔及美金 600 萬元。阿扁在龍潭案到底收到多少錢?
辜成允付錢的時間是從 2004 年 月 20 日起至 月 13 日止,就付清四億元的佣金。除了無法證實的一億元現金之外,事實上吳景茂收到 600 萬的時間是六月份,可是一開始的資金,從二月開始,三月、四月,全都到蔡銘哲的帳戶或他哥哥、姐姐的帳戶,連李界木都是在三、四月時就收到 3,000 萬的賄款。如果吳淑珍收到的是賄款,為什麼出力最多的吳淑珍,最後才收到錢?
事實上關於龍潭案的部份,鄭文龍律師在 4/15 的開庭記錄中有很精彩的論述。各個證人證詞兜不攏的地方,其實辯方律師下足了功夫。從所有證人證詞的論述與疑點來看,龍潭案的真相其實相當有可能是蔡銘哲向辜成允收了四億元的佣金,接著卻對吳淑珍說是政治獻金,然後只給了吳淑珍兩億元的政治獻金。
二、阿扁在其家人弊案纏身之際,為防藏匿國泰世華銀行總行保管室之新臺幣 億 4,000 萬元以上之鉅款遭察覺,曾指示林德訓找蔡鎮宇協助搬移藏匿。
三、葉盛茂將澤西島金融情報中心透過艾格蒙安全網路通報吳淑珍涉及海外洗錢之情資,直接面報阿扁後,陳家隨即將原在瑞士信貸銀行新加坡分行吳景茂名下之存款,全數轉至瑞士美林銀行日內瓦分行之黃睿靚帳戶內。葉盛茂又於 2008 年 1月間,再度將開曼群島金融情報中心通報陳致中、黃睿靚在瑞士存款涉及洗錢之情資與相關陳報最高法院檢察署之公文,直接面交阿扁,接著阿扁與吳淑珍將留存 Awento 信託公司帳戶內之美金 191 萬餘元,分四筆全數匯至吳澧培提供之帳戶,並隨即將 Awento 信託公司之帳戶結清銷戶。
1.陳水扁的財產有很大一部份來自政治獻金,這部份到底有多少錢,可能連阿扁自己都不知道。擁有超過 10 幾億的資產並非完全不可能。
2.阿扁把 億 4,000 萬元從保管室中移出,檢方並沒有實際證據證明這是洗錢行為。最重要的關鍵是,這沒辦法證明這筆錢是犯罪所得。而且,這筆錢的存在,跟檢方所舉證的洗錢行為有什麼因果關係嗎?

第一案、F 案(八期)三千伍佰萬已經經過郭臨伍、李天送結證屬實,並有李天送領據及匯兌資料可稽。
第二案(W 案)657  萬 8,650 元也經過黃志芳、郭臨伍、鄭明惠、張維嘉、楊豐明、曾秀惠結證屬實,並有匯款資料在卷足憑。
第三案L案加上 F J  案 375 萬 6,600 元也已經經過黃志芳、陳心怡、周鈺玲、吳澧培結證屬實,並有匯款資料在卷可稽。
第四案 案兩百萬元業據彭某某結證屬實。
第五案 UN 案兩百五十萬元也已經經過蘇妍妃結證屬實。
第六案 J  案一千萬元已經經由詹某某結證屬實。
第七案機密外交工作旅費一百伍拾壹萬九千三百二十二元,經由馬永成 2008 年 9 月 11 日結證屬實。
第八案M 案陳鎮慧他在 2001 年 6 月支出明細就有記載這筆,但不是由他保管的錢來支出,2008 年 9 月 11 日馬永成筆錄也有證實。
第十案清真寺修建一百四十萬元,馬永成 2009 年 9 月 11 日結證屬實。
第十一案捐助公投制憲大遊行一千萬,蔡同榮 2008 年 9 月 12 日結證屬實。
第十二案捐助 326 民主和平護臺灣大遊行兩千萬元,蘇貞昌 2008 年 9 月 23 日及李逸洋 2008 年 9 月 23 日均結證屬實。
第十三案犒賞張俊雄前院長兩百萬元,業據張俊雄 2008 年 9 月 20 日陳報狀承認本人曾經以他擔任行政院長備極辛勞犒賞兩百萬屬實。
第十四案捐款新故鄉基金會五百萬元經由葉菊蘭 2008 年 9 月 11 日結證,確實有收到總統捐款五百萬元,但他轉交給鄭南榕基金會屬實。
第十五案捐款文復會兩千零玖拾玖萬八千六百三十八元,也經由收款人郝廣才 2008 年 9 月 11 日結證屬實,並有收據四紙附卷足憑。