2014年9月29日 星期一



影片來源:Crixus YUEN
原影片說明:發佈日期 2014 9 28
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原影片說明:發佈日期 2014 9 29
【重要更正:頭 5 分鐘的日期應為 9 28 日,而非 9 29 日,不便之處,敬請原諒。remark: the first 5 mins' video was taken on 28th Sept, we apologize for our fault.
獨媒記者拍攝 9 28 日晚,警方於中環和金鐘施放催淚彈實況。當時馬路上仍有大量示威­者聚集,警方施放多次催淚彈驅散示威者。
The inmediahk.net reporter film at the evening and the mid-night of September 28, Riot police used tear gas to disperse the demonstrators in Central and Admiralty. At that time, there are still a large number of demonstrators gathered on the road.