2013年10月26日 星期六



CNN|Added on October 15, 2013
For the Chinese Communist Party, fighting corruption is a matter of life and death.

CNN|Added on October 15, 2013
In this month's On China, we examine why corruption is prevalent at all levels of Chinese society

CNN|Added on October 15, 2013
In China, they're called the "tigers and flies," the powerful leaders and lowly officials all part China's corruption.

Editor's note: Lijia Zhang is a Beijing-based writer and the author of "Socialism is Great! A Worker's Memoir of the New China." She appears in the latest episode of On China with Kristie Lu Stout, which examines the country's fight against corruption. For viewing times please click here.

By Lijia Zhang, Special for CNN
October 24, 2013 -- Updated 0301 GMT (1101 HKT)
Beijing (CNN) -- Another "tiger" has been caught. Last week, Ji Jianye, the mayor of my hometown Nanjing, a major city in eastern China, was arrested on suspicion of accepting bribes worth about 20 million yuan ($3.3 million)
After taking power in March, President Xi Jinping launched a high-profile anti-corruption campaign, vowing to catch both tigers and flies -- big and small corrupt officials. China has seen plenty of such campaigns, arising and subsiding like summer storms.
But this one appears to be the most vigorous since China opened up; when corruption became rampant in the new market economy and officials started to trade power for financial gains.
Much as I appreciate our president's determination, his battle feels like an attempt to "put out a big fire with a glass of water," given how corruption has reached every corner of our society.
Chinese public opinion surveys identify corruption as the most hated social problem, yet everyone is also guilty of it.
Last year, when my father fell seriously ill, we took him to a decent hospital close by but were told the beds were fully occupied. As always, we turned to our guanxi -- our network of connections -- for help.
Fortunately, a relative, a not so senior but well-connected official, managed to secure a private room at the hospital, which is reserved for ranking leaders. In return, the relative agreed to get the son of the hospital director into the most desirable school in Nanjing.
I became aware the weight of guanxi shortly after I was thrust into adulthood: At 16 I was dragged out of the school to work at a military rocket factory.
Two months later, when Spring Festival came, my mother requested that I visit my boss' home with gifts she had prepared. Naive and embarrassed, I refused. Mother angrily predicted: "You'll never go far in life if you don't know how to la guanxi!" The verb la means to pull or to develop. Sure enough, I never got any promotion during my decade-long stint at the factory even though I acquired a degree in mechanical engineering.
For any Chinese businessman, guanxi is essential. Recently, I met up with a long-lost friend, with whom I marched in the Nanjing streets back in the spring of 1989 and shouted "Down With Corruption" -- one of the complaints that had sparked the unprecedented Tiananmen Square democratic movement.
More than 20 years later, this friend spends 90% of his time running his high-tech company. His youthful idealism has gone and his waistline has expanded considerably. With a ghost of a smile, he blames it on the excessive dining, drinking and occasional visits to prostitutes that are part of the tiresome game of guanxi. "Your business can't survive a day if you are not corrupt," he told me.
He has to smooth every step of his business with gifts or outright bribes: From obtaining the business license, to entertaining potential clients, to receiving 15% of the tax deduction that a high-tech company is entitled to. He estimates that 3% to 5 % of operating costs goes to guanxi.
Such practices drive entrepreneurs to seek senior officials as their patrons because politicians in China have the power to approve projects and allocate resources.
The relationship between the now disgraced politician Bo Xilai and businessmen Xu Ming, the founder of Dalian Shide Group, was typical of such patron-client relationships. Xu, a large man, allegedly fattened his pockets through his guanxi with the Bo family as he funded the family's jet-set life style.
Xu was detained shortly after Bo's arrest and testified against Bo at his trial in August, although Xu has not been charged with any wrongdoing.
Local media reports suggest that authorities are investigating similar ties between the newly disgraced Nanjing mayor and Zhu Xingliang, the richest businessman in Suzhou, a city near Nanjing, who has also been placed under house arrest.
And politically, China produces its top leaders more or less based on patron-client ties rather than meritocracy. Both President Xi and Bo are "princelings" -- the children of senior leaders, the most powerful and influential group in China. Nepotism, a form of corruption, has feudal roots.
In fact, I believe the whole corrupt practice of guanxi is rooted in China's long tradition of renzhi -- rule of men rather than the rule of law.
President Xi has called for a curb on official extravagance: No red carpet treatment, no luxury banquets and no fancy office buildings. But these are the symptoms not the root of the problem.
To stamp out corruption, he will have to not only observe the rule of law but also introduce genuine political reforms that would allow checks and balances, transparency, and independent scrutiny. Such remedies, although proven elsewhere, may be too strong for him to take.
I don't doubt that the authorities will net more tigers. But there will be hundreds and thousands more at large and countless flies, thriving in China's politically and culturally rich breeding ground for corruption.
The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Lijia Zhang.


2013年10月25日 星期五






影片來源:Climate Reality
原影片說明:發佈時間 2013 10 22
http://climaterealityproject.org - We are all paying for carbon pollution. Find out how you're paying and add your cost: http://thecostofcarbon.org

原影片說明:發佈時間 2013 10 25
【民視即時新聞】大統和富味道鄉都在食用油中混充棉籽油,風暴越演越烈,現在萬芳醫院­醫生潘建志還發現,被拿來做油的,很可能是被用來餵食動物的棉籽油渣餅,因為油渣餅,­國內前年只進口 150 公斤,去年卻暴增到 5559 公噸,是不是被不肖廠商拿去煉油,讓­人懷疑。


2013年10月24日 星期四


In July last year the Secretary-General’s UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign proclaimed every 25th of the month as Orange Day. Initiated and led by the UNiTE campaign Global Youth Network, worldwide activities implemented on this day by UN country offices and civil society organizations strive to highlight issues relevant to preventing and ending violence against women and girls, not only once a year, on 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women), but every month.
Under the heading ‘Safe Spaces for Women and Girls’, this year the UNiTE campaign is focusing its Orange Day activities on highlighting recommendations of the agreed conclusions of the 57th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW57) which took place in March this year. In April, UNiTE focused on ‘Safe Work Places for Women and Girls’, in May, ‘Safe Homes for Women and Girls’ while in June, Orange Day coincided with the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture (June 26th) and the campaign focused on‘State Custody and Care as Safe Spaces’ . In July it drew attention to ‘Cyber Space as Safe Space for Women and Girls’ while the theme for August was ‘Sexual Violence against Women and Girls in Conflict’. Ahead of the International Day of the Girl Child (October 11th), the theme in September was ‘Safe Schools for Girls’ and on October 25 the UNiTE campaign will highlight ‘Safe Public Spaces for Women and Girls’.
Sexual harassment and other forms of sexual violence in public spaces is an everyday occurrence for women and girls around the world and is a violation of women’s human rights. Women and girls experience various types of sexual violence in public spaces including sexual harassment, rape, and femicide. This violence may take place on the street, on public transport, in parks, in and around schools, places of employment, and other public spaces in urban and rural areas. Some cases are publicized and receive media and public attention, while most cases go unreported and unaddressed.
Violence and the fear of violence reduces women’s freedom of movement and rights to access education, work, recreation, and essential services, and can restrict their participation in political life. It also negatively affects their health and well-being. Despite these wide-ranging consequences, violence against women and girls in public spaces remains a neglected area, with few laws or policies in place to prevent and address it.
At the 57th Session on the Commission of the Status of Women, governments made specific commitments directed towards making public spaces safer for women and girls.
For the first time the Commission on the Status of Women, the highest global normative body on women’s rights, during its 57th Session specifically included several clauses in its Agreed Conclusions document devoted to safety of women and girls in public spaces, and particularly, in the cities.  It expressed “deep concern about violence against women and girls in public spaces, including sexual harassment, especially when it is being used to intimidate women and girls who are exercising any of their human rights and fundamental freedoms.”  (23, p4)
It called on the States “to increase measures to protect women and girls from violence and harassment, including sexual harassment and bullying, in both public and private spaces, to address security and safety, through awareness-raising, involvement of local communities, crime prevention laws, policies, programmes such as the Safe Cities Initiative of the United Nations. (ZZ, p13)
Launched in 2010 by UN Women, the Safe Cities Global Initiative, involving over 15 cities is working to make cities safer for women and girls. The Initiative builds on earlier efforts undertaken by women’s rights organizations and local governments in cities around the world, and is mobilizing more partners at all levels of society through two main programmes:
The Global Safe Cities Free of Violence against Women and Girls Programme (2010-2016) implemented by UN Women in partnership with UN Habitat, Women in Cities International, the Huairou Commission, the Women and Habitat Network of Latin America and the Caribbean, UCLG, Microsoft, and other global and local Partners. This is the first-ever global comparative programme that develops, implements, and evaluates tools, policies, and comprehensive approaches on the prevention of, and response to, sexual harassment and other forms of sexual violence against women and girls across different settings.  It is being implemented in Quito, Ecuador; Cairo, Egypt; New Delhi, India; Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea; and Kigali, Rwanda. Dublin, Ireland became the first city in a developed country to join the Global Initiative.
In 2011, UN Women, UNICEF, and UN-Habitat launched the “Safe and Sustainable Cities for All” joint programme in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; San José, Costa Rica; Tegucigalpa, Honduras; Nairobi, Kenya; Beirut, Lebanon; Marrakesh, Morocco; Manila, Philippines; and Dushanbe, Tajikistan.
The Safe Cities Global Initiative forms part of a larger global movement dedicated to building safe and inclusive cities with and for women and girls to end sexual harassment and other forms of violence against women and girls in public spaces.
Initial activities in the local communities revealed that, often for the first time, women and girls are identifying sexual harassment and fear of sexual violence in public spaces as barriers in their lives. The programmes have also engaged men and youth. By launching their safe city programme, local governments have committed to develop strategic and effective prevention strategies that other countries and municipalities can learn from and adapt.  Learn more.  
This month, the UNiTE campaign’s Orange Day will focus on Safe Public Spaces for women and girls.
What can you do?
Organize a discussion with members of your community on the issue of sexual harassment and other forms of violence against women and girls. Talk about sexual harassment in public spaces and examine if it is an issue of concern in your community, where it may take place, and what concrete action can be taken to prevent and respond to it.
Share information with your municipality on the Global Safe Cities Initiative and mobilize local action.
On Friday, 25 October, the UNiTE campaign will host a tweetathon. Tell us about whether public spaces are safe for women and girls in your city, what you think could be done, and share stories of what has worked. Join in the discussion. The conversation will be facilitated by different partners for one hour each throughout the day. Follow @SayNO_UNiTE and #orangeday on Twitter.

On 25 Oct, #OrangeDay #UNiTE campaign says make public spaces safe for women and girls.http://owl.li/mlJkg v @SayNO_UNiTE
Happy #OrangeDay!This month #UNiTE focuses on safe public spaces for women&girls.Involved in local initiatives?Share: http://owl.li/mlJkg
Today is #UNiTE's #OrangeDay! Talk about sexual harassment & other forms of violence in public spaces http://owl.li/mlJkg #endSH
Today is #OrangeDay!Wear orange & #UNiTE to support violence-free public spaces for women & girlshttp://owl.li/mlJkg v @SayNO_UNiTE
It's #OrangeDay!Is ur city part of #Safe Cities?Find out&mobilize ur municipality2make public spaces safe4women&girls http://owl.li/mlJkg
Join @SayNO_UNiTE tweetathon on #SafeCities! Follow hashtag #orangeday throughout 25/10 & join the conversation. http://owl.li/mlJkg
How can we make cities safer for women & girls? Join @SayNO_UNiTE #orangeday tweetathon 25/10 & share ur thoughts. http://owl.li/mlJkg

Sample Facebook messages
The UNiTE campaign has declared the 25th of each month #OrangeDay. This month we are highlighting ‘Safe Public Spaces for Women and Girls’. Join the tweetathon on violence against women and girls in public spaces, and what can be done to eradicate it. http://owl.li/mlJkg   
Today – 25 October – is #OrangeDay, a day to highlight violence against women and girls. This month, we are focusing on ‘Safe Public Spaces for Women and Girls’. Bring your community together to talk about whether your area is safe, and what measures could be introduced.http://owl.li/mlJkg   
Today is #OrangeDay. Is your city part of the Safe Cities initiative? Write to your municipality and invite them to participate. http://owl.li/mlJkg   
Sexual harassment and other forms of sexual violence in public spaces is an everyday occurrence for women and girls around the world. Are public spaces safe for women and girls in your city? How can we make cities safer? What is the Safe Cities Global Initiative? Join the [@SayNO – UNiTE to End Violence against Women] tweetathon all day on 25 October!http://owl.li/mlJkg 

Contact information
Anna Alaszewski
United Nations Secretary-General's Campaign UNiTE to End Violence against Women
Campaign Coordinator
Email: anna.alaszewski@unwomen.org


2013年10月20日 星期日





由荷蘭設計師霍夫曼 (Florentijn Hofman)所設計的黃色小鴨,在巨大的鴨子面前,人們變得渺小而平等。
霍夫曼出生於 1977 年,是荷蘭籍的藝術家,黃色橡皮鴨為其個人在 2007 年首次展出的作品。其他作品還包括:胖胖猴(Fat Monkey)、大黃兔的皮膚(The skin of Big Yellow Rabbit)等。


2013年10月19日 星期六


  1. 在馬英九指揮或允諾下,由檢察總長黃世銘領導的特偵組,嚴重違背司法中立原則。這個濫權組織不但長期非法全面竊聽立法院,甚至,為了打擊異己或其他見不得人的目的,在非法監聽過程中,黃世銘迫不及待「竄改」檢察總長身分為「法官」,草率把兩則經過非法加料的烏龍監聽譯文扭曲解釋為「罪證確鑿」的「定讞關鍵證據」,既不顧全偵查期間必須訊問「犯罪嫌疑人」的必要程序,更棄置偵查不公開基本原則,以致急急忙忙洩漏「偵查」中案情給不應該介入司法體系的總統馬英九,並且和馬英九以及行政院長江宜樺合力「快斬」完全不知緣由的前法務部長曾勇夫,還動用未審先判和媒體審判等非法行徑,率眾公開假扮法官判案言行,不斷毀謗至今未曾被告知「涉案」內容、不曾被訊問過,更沒有機會獲取自我辯護法理保障的立法院長王金平和民進黨立院黨團總召柯建銘。
  2. 在馬英九支持下,行政院長江宜樺不但公開未審先判詆毀立法院長王金平,更口出「準備好面對沒有王金平的立法院」這種傲慢無禮狂言挑釁立法院,簡直把立法院視為「行政院立法局」,彷彿立法院長人選必須由他這個行政院長指定般,如果這不是行政院長公然踐踏立法院地位,什麼才是呢?在這場醜態百出的行政院長貶抑立法院鬧劇過後,竟然仍有不少本應為民監督行政院得失的中國黨籍立法委員對江宜樺的狂妄違法言行奉若圭臬,顯見這些完全不在乎立法院職責與職權的不適任立法委員根本只配到行政院替江宜樺擦口水。
  3. 民進黨為了捍衛立法院職權與職責,開啟倒閣行動,結果,全數中國黨籍立法委員竟然為了擔心被黨主席馬英九祭出的黨紀處分影響政治前途而不敢守護立法院必須獨立於行政院之外的基本民主法理,這種連立法院長人選不得由立法委員之外任何人指派的最起碼民意代表職權常識都不懂或無力堅持的立法院,如何監督所有非民意代表機構的政府工作者呢?簡單的說,由數量取勝的中國國民黨籍立委群所主宰的立法院,完全不配當民意機關,早該全面改選。

原影片說明:發佈時間 2013 9 9
行政院長江宜樺今天上午到建中演講,前一天還說不接受採訪、不開放媒體到場,臨時在早­上決定在現場發表談話,他的口徑保持和馬總統一致,不過比較以行政立場出發,認為王金­平如果去職,行政部門已經做好心理準備,立法院的動盪,行政院可以預期! http://news.tvbs.com.tw/entry/503104


2013年10月18日 星期五


馬英九擔任台灣民選總統五年多來,把許多台灣人的世界觀「訓練」到只剩下「一個中國」偏狹小心眼,更可怕的是,為了推銷所謂的「中國終極統一」獨夫政策,在馬英九率領的中國國民黨籍政客群集體運作下,從「一中」 ECFA、黑箱服貿,到所謂的「自由經濟示範區」等一面倒為中國政府入侵台灣開路的經濟封鎖手段,無一不把自由台灣霸凌成一個「完全不自由」的「鎖國」,相反,那個全世界公認為獨裁暴政組織的中華人民共和國政府反而撈取「無限自由」特權,還假惺惺套演「熱情拯救台灣」的「全球唯一救世主」角色。這種顛倒是非且極欲置台灣於死地的卑鄙暴政,雖然尚未發動武力戰爭,卻已經發揮了「攻台掠地」的實際功效,比起中國解放軍不斷增加數量的對台飛彈,似乎更具火速侵略台灣潛能。





除了 ECFA 惡意透過「兩個中國黨同扯一個中國」政治架構明白把台灣政經領域完全納為中國的一小部分外,那份偷偷摸摸躲在政治黑箱中簽署的服貿協議,更清晰「昭告」台灣服務業必須「臣服」在中國政府領導的中國企業「大軍」之下。至於同樣詭怪邪惡的所謂「自由經濟示範區」,根本是昧著良心公然抹黑台灣為「不自由封閉小島」,所以,必須特別為了迎接居心叵測且極欲剝奪台灣自由的「中國特權企業軍團」而設立絕無設限的「自由入侵示範區」。



問題是,除了極力討好中國政府以外,馬英九經常漠視 WTO 現存其他一百五十七個會員國,也極少或無能在 WTO 和所有會員國平起平坐協商國際經濟貿易議題,在他眼裡,擁有一百五十九個會員國的 WTO 似乎「隱形」了,連會員國該享受什麼權利和應盡什麼義務等基本常識,他似乎也不太進修。

國家被一個國際級 Bumbler 危害到這種地步,如果台灣全民不願當一群迷信政客邪說和縱放政府濫權的「自由飄搖」國家主人,早就應該嚴肅糾正馬英九重返 WTO 正途。更糟糕的是,在我國境內,除了害台不遺餘力的 Bumbler Ma 以外,向來最喜歡自我抬舉為「菁英」的政經領域從業群眾裡,不但企業界嚴重缺少視野遼闊和良知淵博的國際貿易將才,連政治領域都相當匱乏正直恢弘且良能卓越的國際政經高手。於是,五年多來,檯面上所見,如果不是追隨馬英九的偏差惡政一窩蜂鎖入「一個中國夢境」的「大陸」或「內地」死巷裡幻想「征服世界」,就只能眼睜睜看著曾佈局全球的昔日繁榮台灣被狼狽為奸的中國國民黨和中國共產黨蠶食鯨吞成景氣蕭條的「中國邊疆小荒島」。



看看 ECFA 踐踏台灣國格、服貿協議生吞台灣商機,以及「自由經濟示範區」侵奪台灣市場,難道台灣人還要繼續縱容馬英九無限擴權和瀆職濫權嗎?






總之,如果中國政府和企業想加入台灣市場的話,麻煩比照 WTO 原則,遵循所有會員國必須遵循的自由經濟規範,只要符合同等國際標準,沒有一個台灣國家主人應該排斥中國政府和中國企業,相反,如果中國政府和中國企業達不到所有 WTO 會員國理當一致遵循的共同標準,麻煩自律自省提升實力,不要老想依賴馬英九和中國國民黨那些性好「綁架」台灣的邪惡政客大舉入侵台灣。一個像中國那麼自負的「泱泱大國」卻一天到晚耍弄小人手段霸凌鄰近小國,未免太小家子氣啦!




【台灣新聞】自由經濟示範區上路 六大聯盟籲馬煞車


2013年10月14日 星期一


就讓我們逐字審視刑事訴訟法第 245 吧!
  1. 偵查,不公開之。
  2. 這六個字一定不難懂,就是不可以和任何人「分享」偵查未定案的內容,即使「分享者」是總統,也犯法。
  3. 被告或犯罪嫌疑人之辯護人,得於檢察官、檢察事務官、司法警察官或司法警察訊問該被告或犯罪嫌疑人時在場,並得陳述意見。但有事實足認其在場有妨害國家機密或有湮滅、偽造、變造證據或勾串共犯或證人或妨害他人名譽之虞,或其行為不當足以影響偵查秩序者,得限制或禁止之。
  4. 請注意,這段文字的「關鍵人」是「辯護人」,不是被告或犯罪嫌疑人,也就是說,當「檢察官、檢察事務官、司法警察官或司法警察」等法定偵查人員訊問被告或犯罪嫌疑人時,他們的辯護人不但可以在場,還可以陳述意見。
  5. 檢察官、檢察事務官、司法警察官、司法警察、辯護人、告訴代理人或其他於偵查程序依法執行職務之人員,除依法令或為維護公共利益或保護合法權益有必要者外,偵查中因執行職務知悉之事項,不得公開或揭露予執行法定職務必要範圍以外之人員。
  6. 在這段文字中,清楚說明所有法定偵查人員、辯護人、告訴代理人,甚至在偵辦現場的其他非偵查人員,都不能公開或揭露偵查內容給任何非法定工作者,至於例外情況是「依法令或為維護公共利益或保護合法權益有必要者」。
  7. 偵查中訊問被告或犯罪嫌疑人時,應將訊問之日、時及處所通知辯護人。但情形急迫者,不在此限。
  8. 這段文字比較短,清楚說明訊問被告或犯罪嫌疑人之必要,而且,凡有訊問需求時,辯護人必須被通知。
  9. 第一項偵查不公開作業辦法,由司法院會同行政院定之。
  10. 這段文字規範的對象是司法院和行政院,規範的內容是兩院必須一起制定偵查不公開作業辦法。
  1. 為什麼在不曾訊問他和特偵組眼中的「犯罪嫌疑人」的偵查未終結期間,就膽大妄為「定讞」他們眼中的「犯罪嫌疑人」是「有事實足認其(註:辯護人)在場有妨害國家機密或有湮滅、偽造、變造證據或勾串共犯或證人或妨害他人名譽之虞,或其行為不當足以影響偵查秩序者」?
  2. 既然黃世銘和「他的特偵組」不曾訊問過他們眼中的「犯罪嫌疑人」,就明白顯示偵辦案件仍在進行中,他如何辨解所謂的「依法令或為維護公共利益或保護合法權益有必要者」向不相關人士馬先生揭露偵查未終結案情是合法行為?