2014年8月21日 星期四


新聞來源:Reporters Without BordersPUBLISHED ON WEDNESDAY 20 AUGUST 2014
Police cite Xiang Nanfu’s “confession” as a reason for freeing him on parole
While welcoming freelance journalist Xiang Nanfu’s release, announced yesterday, Reporters Without Borders calls on the European Council to sanction state-owned CCTV13’s executives for violating his right to a fair trial by broadcasting his forced confession in order to incriminate him.
Xiang wrote about land confiscation and organ trafficking for the US-based Chinese-language news website Boxun. When he was arrested on 3 May, the police accused him of receiving sums of from abroad, and his articles were said to have undermined China’s image.
On 13 May, ten days after his arrest, he was shown on CCTV13 confessing to having “smeared the Party and the government.”
Announced his release yesterday, the police said he was being freed on parole “because of his poor health and above all because of a relatively good attitude in pleading guilty.”
Xiang’s forced confession was broadcast just five days after a similar “confession” by the well-known journalist Gao Yu. Broadcasting forced confessions is often used to discredit dissident news and information providers. It was used with the journalist Chen Yongzhou in November 2013 and with the blogger and businessman Charles Xue in September 2013.
“We are relieved by Xiang’s release but we are very shocked by the way it was obtained,” said Reporters Without Borders secretary-general Christophe Deloire. “The Chinese authorities flout their own justice system by making journalists ‘confess’ publicly to crimes they did not commit. The sole aim of these forced confessions is to destroy the credibility of those charged.
“We call on the European Council to adopt sanctions against CCTV13 and its executives – China Central Television CEO Hu Zhanfan, CCTV board member Jiao Li and CCTV vice-president Zhang Changming – for broadcasting these forced confession. This is intolerable on the part of a news organization, even one controlled by the state.”
Such sanctions would be in line with a previous European Union measure. In decision2013/124/PESC of March 2013, the European Council found that certain Iranian officials had violated the right to a fair trial by their use of forced confessions and were complicit in the use of violence to make detainees “confess.”
The way that the forced confessions were broadcast in China was similar to the Iranian cases considered by the European Council.
China is ranked 175th out of 180 countries in the 2014 Reporters Without Borders press freedom index.

新聞來源:自由時報國際新聞 2014-08-21  09:49
〔本報訊〕中國枉顧人權舉世皆知!今年 5 月間央視播出博訊新聞網自由撰稿人向南夫被迫認罪的畫面,北京警方前天(19 日)宣布,由於向南夫認罪態度良好,准予交保候傳,無國界記者組織認為北京當局未審先判,還播放被關押者被迫認罪的做法令人無法接受,呼籲歐盟制裁央視。
央視連日來播出台灣藝人柯震東呼大麻接受偵訊的影片,也不斷放送北京公安赴房祖名家中蒐證畫面,引發各界質疑中國枉顧人權的做法。英國 BBC 中文網報導,62 歲的向南夫今年 5 3 日被北京警方刑事拘留,因他被指控「長期受境外網站指使,大肆編造傳播虛假不實信息」、「造謠抹黑國家」。
就在向南夫被逮捕的 10 天後,也就是今年 5 13 日,央視 13 台(CCTV13)播出向南夫承認自己「抹黑黨和政府」的認罪場面。而在向南夫「認罪」畫面播出的 5 天前,央視也播出《經濟學周報》前副總編、中新社前記者高瑜的「認罪」畫面。
該組織希望歐洲委員會對中國中央電視台實施類似過去曾對伊朗實施過的制裁。2013 3 月,歐洲委員會發現一些伊朗官員違反公平審判的人權,使用暴力逼迫被關押者認罪,於是予以制裁。

新聞來源:自由時報焦點新聞 2014-08-20
法界批︰遊街示眾 中國踐踏人權
一手提攜柯震東的導演九把刀,看了柯震東的懺悔影片後,痛心發文:「那些畫面我一秒鐘都無法直視,不寒而慄,淚流滿面」,引起網友共鳴,有 PTT 網友說「看了影片,覺得很恐怖」、「如果他不答應拍這段影片,結局會怎樣?」有人嘲諷「中國進步了,至少有打馬賽克」。
九把刀痛心︰無法直視 不寒而慄