2014年8月24日 星期日


  1. 根據已知新聞脈絡,柯震東被捕日期是八月十四日,可是,直到八月十八日晚間止,他不但無法與任何親友互通訊息,也無法聘請律師保護他的基本人權,這段「人間蒸發」時間內,柯震東究竟是怎麼被「審查」?
  2. 如果「徐航」的說法無誤,「徐爸爸」審問柯震東的時間是十六日「一宿」,那麼,十四日夜至十六日白天的兩天兩夜裡,北京公安究竟把柯震東「藏」在哪裡?對他作了什麼?
  3. 中國媒體報導,北京公安於十四日在一家足療洗浴中心「控制多名男女」,經「詢問」後,房祖名與柯震東「承認」在房祖名的私人豪宅吸毒,而且,柯震東的「犯罪證據」居然是在豪宅內上洗手間後沒有沖馬桶而遺留的「毒尿」。這則「逸聞」不但高調宣揚「打擊毒犯」功績,似乎還希望順便提醒男士「小便之後記得沖馬桶」?
  4. 按照柯震東在央視製作的「痛擊毒犯特別節目」上公開「認罪」的「口供」,他似乎只「吸一口大麻」。一個「吸一口大麻」的「毒犯」需要被當成「罪大惡極重刑犯」公開在中國最具影響力之一的電視台上「表演」公開「認罪」戲碼嗎?
  5. 曾經擔任律師的台灣法務部長羅瑩雪,對於柯震東涉嫌「吸毒」案,不但不追究中國政府未盡通報義務,更不在乎柯震東在中國「被失蹤」五天的無人權「黑箱審查程序」,反而像一個無知盲從者般未審先判「若柯震東返台將進入驗尿勒戒程序」,顯然,她完全不知道法務部長職責不包含妄自為嫌疑犯定罪。
  6. 「房東吸毒案」至今為止仍停留在北京公安審訊階段,不過,日前已被「行政拘留」的柯震東必須「脫光光」入獄受檢的「娛樂新聞」卻在兩國一地媒體熱鬧播送,甚至還傳出部分中國公安、律師和「大夫」假公濟私公開炫耀「觀光」過柯震東裸體後的「心得報告」和「私人評論」,一時之間,柯震東彷彿成為偷窺狂們的「消遣對象」。整段敗德鬧劇簡直就是中國公安濫權利用柯震東的知名度和「可看性」專為「反毒偷窺狂」們特別「開放觀光」的「餘興節目」。
  7. 據說,除了「房東」二友以及孫、宋兩位販毒者外,這個舉世聞名「吸毒案」的涉案人還包含「多名男女」。可是,至今為止,被中國公安和央視公開「認罪」的人,除了馬賽克全臉且僅稱姓不道名的「陳某某」以及吸一口大麻卻被迫上電視飾演「罪大惡極毒犯代言人」的柯震東外,其餘的中國「富二(三)代」或「官二(三)代」涉案人中,無一人「享受」未起訴先認罪的「特殊待遇」。也許,在本案中,只有「台毒」和「港毒」,絕不會出現「權貴中毒」?

2014年8月21日 星期四


影片來源:Anthony Carbajal
原影片說明:發佈日期 2014 8 18
My family's donation page:http://www.youcaring.com/AnthonysArmy
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Footage of my mother and I was filmed by the Amazing Avni Nijhawan, original footage taken directly from this awesome few minute film: http://vimeo.com/88504479
Find me on twitter and instagram at: carbajalphoto # ALSicebucketchallenge is to raise awareness for ALS / MND / Lou Gehrig's Disease. 
My personal website: anthonycarbajal.com/2014/05/i-have-als/

新聞來源:蘋果日報國際新聞 2014 8 22 00:38 
美國攝影師卡巴賈爾Anthony Carbajal),身穿比基尼加熱褲參加「冰桶挑戰」,影片一開頭可見他搞笑洗車,接著進行「冰桶挑戰」,畫面一轉卡巴賈爾換好衣服回到室內,說明他參加「冰桶挑戰」的原因。


新聞來源:Reporters Without BordersPUBLISHED ON WEDNESDAY 20 AUGUST 2014
Police cite Xiang Nanfu’s “confession” as a reason for freeing him on parole
While welcoming freelance journalist Xiang Nanfu’s release, announced yesterday, Reporters Without Borders calls on the European Council to sanction state-owned CCTV13’s executives for violating his right to a fair trial by broadcasting his forced confession in order to incriminate him.
Xiang wrote about land confiscation and organ trafficking for the US-based Chinese-language news website Boxun. When he was arrested on 3 May, the police accused him of receiving sums of from abroad, and his articles were said to have undermined China’s image.
On 13 May, ten days after his arrest, he was shown on CCTV13 confessing to having “smeared the Party and the government.”
Announced his release yesterday, the police said he was being freed on parole “because of his poor health and above all because of a relatively good attitude in pleading guilty.”
Xiang’s forced confession was broadcast just five days after a similar “confession” by the well-known journalist Gao Yu. Broadcasting forced confessions is often used to discredit dissident news and information providers. It was used with the journalist Chen Yongzhou in November 2013 and with the blogger and businessman Charles Xue in September 2013.
“We are relieved by Xiang’s release but we are very shocked by the way it was obtained,” said Reporters Without Borders secretary-general Christophe Deloire. “The Chinese authorities flout their own justice system by making journalists ‘confess’ publicly to crimes they did not commit. The sole aim of these forced confessions is to destroy the credibility of those charged.
“We call on the European Council to adopt sanctions against CCTV13 and its executives – China Central Television CEO Hu Zhanfan, CCTV board member Jiao Li and CCTV vice-president Zhang Changming – for broadcasting these forced confession. This is intolerable on the part of a news organization, even one controlled by the state.”
Such sanctions would be in line with a previous European Union measure. In decision2013/124/PESC of March 2013, the European Council found that certain Iranian officials had violated the right to a fair trial by their use of forced confessions and were complicit in the use of violence to make detainees “confess.”
The way that the forced confessions were broadcast in China was similar to the Iranian cases considered by the European Council.
China is ranked 175th out of 180 countries in the 2014 Reporters Without Borders press freedom index.

新聞來源:自由時報國際新聞 2014-08-21  09:49
〔本報訊〕中國枉顧人權舉世皆知!今年 5 月間央視播出博訊新聞網自由撰稿人向南夫被迫認罪的畫面,北京警方前天(19 日)宣布,由於向南夫認罪態度良好,准予交保候傳,無國界記者組織認為北京當局未審先判,還播放被關押者被迫認罪的做法令人無法接受,呼籲歐盟制裁央視。
央視連日來播出台灣藝人柯震東呼大麻接受偵訊的影片,也不斷放送北京公安赴房祖名家中蒐證畫面,引發各界質疑中國枉顧人權的做法。英國 BBC 中文網報導,62 歲的向南夫今年 5 3 日被北京警方刑事拘留,因他被指控「長期受境外網站指使,大肆編造傳播虛假不實信息」、「造謠抹黑國家」。
就在向南夫被逮捕的 10 天後,也就是今年 5 13 日,央視 13 台(CCTV13)播出向南夫承認自己「抹黑黨和政府」的認罪場面。而在向南夫「認罪」畫面播出的 5 天前,央視也播出《經濟學周報》前副總編、中新社前記者高瑜的「認罪」畫面。
該組織希望歐洲委員會對中國中央電視台實施類似過去曾對伊朗實施過的制裁。2013 3 月,歐洲委員會發現一些伊朗官員違反公平審判的人權,使用暴力逼迫被關押者認罪,於是予以制裁。

新聞來源:自由時報焦點新聞 2014-08-20
法界批︰遊街示眾 中國踐踏人權
一手提攜柯震東的導演九把刀,看了柯震東的懺悔影片後,痛心發文:「那些畫面我一秒鐘都無法直視,不寒而慄,淚流滿面」,引起網友共鳴,有 PTT 網友說「看了影片,覺得很恐怖」、「如果他不答應拍這段影片,結局會怎樣?」有人嘲諷「中國進步了,至少有打馬賽克」。
九把刀痛心︰無法直視 不寒而慄

2014年8月20日 星期三


新聞來源:蘋果日報頭條要聞 2014 年 月 21 
伊斯蘭國前身是恐怖組織「基地」的分支,基地與其徒子徒孫早在各地都樂於用「殺頭」方式對付俘虜、人質與記者,因為這是他們心中伊斯蘭傳統律法所規定的處刑方式。但與穆斯林國家用長刀砍頭的作法不同,恐怖組織更愛用短刀從喉前一寸寸割下受害者頭顱,彰顯殘忍。二OO二年遭「基地」綁匪殺頭的《華爾街日報》記者波爾(Daniel Pearl),就是在鏡頭前被小刀一寸寸割斷脖子。
伊斯蘭國首領巴格達迪(Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi)自稱是先知穆罕默德的後代,欲建立歷史書中才有的「哈里發」國。這群狂徒想要復興古代鼎盛的伊斯蘭帝國,但熱中的卻是古老的暴力形式,這些作法已被現代的穆斯林拋棄。割頭暴行反映出巴格達迪與其狂徒扭曲「復古」心態的一端。(編譯陳家齊)

作者:Frida Ghitis
新聞來源:CNN August 20, 2014 -- Updated 1732 GMT (0132 HKT)
Editor's note: Frida Ghitis is a world affairs columnist for The Miami Herald and World Politics Review. A former CNN producer and correspondent, she is the author of "The End of Revolution: A Changing World in the Age of Live Television." Follow her on Twitter@FridaGhitis. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.
(CNN) -- American journalist James Foley was murdered, beheaded by an English-speaking member of ISIS, the extremist group that calls itself the Islamic State and has already conquered large swaths of two Middle Eastern countries. The sickening execution, recorded and released online for the world to see, came with a warning to the U.S.: ISIS showed another captive American journalist, believed to be Steven Sotloff, and threatened to kill him too if the U.S. does not stop helping those fighting to stop ISIS advances.
The killing and the threat, along with all the evidence ISIS is leaving as it gouges its way across the region, are a direct challenge to the American people, to the U.S. government and to the international community.
As it makes increasingly clear what kind of an organization it is, ISIS is sending a message: "Stay out of this, so we can keep driving toward our objective."
President Obama said Wednesday that "We will do everything we can to protect our people ... The entire world is appalled by the brutal murder."
The U.S. government has crucial steps to take now. First, obviously, it cannot give into ISIS threats and must continue helping dislodge ISIS from northern Iraq where it is engaging in ethnic cleansing against Christians and other minorities; kidnapping,raping and selling women; and massacring people. The U.S. effort should keep a special focus on helping America's loyal and ideologically moderate friends, the Kurds of Iraq.
At the same time, the U.S. should make a strong diplomatic push to obtain international legitimacy for the campaign to defeat ISIS. It is important to prevent ISIS from scoring a recruiting victory among Muslims and anti-Western and anti-American camps by portraying this as a war between Islam and the West, which it is not.
There are few people on Earth who are not horrified by ISIS. That includes the overwhelming majority of Muslims. The grand mufti of Saudi Arabia, Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh, called ISIS and al Qaeda "Enemy No. 1" of Islam. Countless Muslims have criticized and condemned them.
ISIS is the enemy of anyone who does not belong to ISIS. They kill minorities, Shiite Muslims and Sunnis who don't abide by their views. They are virulently opposed to the West, to the U.S., to modernity and to anyone who sees the world differently from their narrow medieval perspective.
The U.S. should seek a U.N. resolution declaring that the international community, including the Muslim world, considers ISIS and its methods repugnant. Any country that disagrees, any government that is not revolted by ISIS and troubled by its methods and its goals, should go on record saying so.
Before ISIS, we knew that human beings are capable of unspeakable brutality. But anyone who thought man's inhumanity to man had eased after the mass crimes of the 20th century now knows better. ISIS didn't just remind us how cruel humans can be; it has taken the use of brutality as a weapon of intimidation, extermination, genocide and recruitment propaganda to new levels.
ISIS is not the first to murder victims in large numbers; it is not the first to kill those who disagree with its beliefs or who belong to different ethnic or religious groups. But it seems no group has advertised its bloodlust with such relish and effectiveness.
More important, those using these methods, embracing this philosophy, are in control of enormous territories. When ISIS calls itself a state, it is not hyperbole by very much. ISIS has taken over a a tract of land bigger than many countries, something that al Qaeda, its comparatively mild-mannered inspiration, never came close to achieving.
ISIS has established and gained full dominion not only of cities and populations but of wealthy oil-producing lands.It is now financially self-sufficient, collecting millions of dollars every day from oil smuggling operations. If not stopped, it could continue its push toward the oil fields of southern Iraq at the edge of the Persian Gulf, which remains the epicenter of oil and gas production that allows the global economy to function.
If Osama bin Laden weren't dead, he would die of envy.
ISIS views the videos of mass executions, of severed heads on poles and of crucified men, as a way to keep its enemies frightened and weakened, and a way to tell prospective recruits that it is fearless in its war to create an Islamic caliphate ruling over all the world's Muslims. Its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, incidentally, claims to rule over all Muslims and believes the ultimate goal of ISISis to take over huge sections of Asia, Europe and Africa.
The killing of Foley, an idealistic journalist, sharpens our understanding of the organization seeking to dominate the Middle East. That the man who murdered him might have been British should erase any remaining fantasy in the West that this gruesome war, now raging in Syria and Iraq, will stay within any country's or any region's borders.
Those who seek to downplay the risk to the United States should think again.
In June 2013, a video from Syria surfaced, showing men cutting off another man's head. To the shock of Europeans, they were heard speaking Dutch.
The ISIS members who hold European passports are able to travel freely across Europe and the U.S. and are prepared to do the unthinkable. There are hundreds of Germans, Spaniards, Belgians, French. Graduates of the Syria war, from where ISIS pushed into Iraq, have killed in Europe.
And ISIS ideology is gaining support in the continent. Last month, ISIS flags flew in an anti-Israel demonstration in the Hague, chanting against America and the West and most enthusiastically, "Death to the Jews."
ISIS can simply not be allowed to keep a foothold in the Middle East. If it does, the consequences will become even more catastrophic. In Iraq alone, 1.2 million people have been displaced, thousands killed.
It is politically and strategically complicated, because ISIS is also fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Hezbollah, and defeating ISIS would also be enormously pleasing to Iran. But the group is a growing threat.
The strategy of supporting the Kurds and the Iraqis in the front lines is a good one. It must be bolstered with material and diplomatic support. If it proves insufficient to turning back the bloody ISIS tide, then it must be revamped.
Foley's mother said her son gave his life trying to expose to the world the suffering of the Syrian people. That suffering has now extended to Iraq, and it will only become more widespread if ISIS is not stopped.

影片來源:The Situation Room|Added on August 19, 2014
原影片說明:ISIS posted a video in which it beheads a man they claim is James Foley -- a U.S. journalist kidnapped in Syria.

影片來源:CNN|Added on August 18, 2014
原影片說明:Christian villagers outside of Mosul, Iraq have fled to an ancient monastery. CNN's Nick Paton Walsh reports.

原影片說明:IS fighters have their sights on Iraq's capital, Baghdad
新聞與影片來源:BBC| 2 August 2014 Last updated at 14:12
Islamic State stands with al-Qaeda as one of the most dangerous jihadist groups, after its gains in Syria and Iraq.
Under its former name Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), it was formed in April 2013, growing out of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).
It has since been disavowed by al-Qaeda, but has become one of the main jihadist groups fighting government forces in Syria and Iraq.
Its precise size is unclear but it is thought to include thousands of fighters, including many foreign jihadists.
The organisation is led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Little is known about him, but it is believed he was born in Samarra, north of Baghdad, in 1971 and joined the insurgency that erupted in Iraq soon after the 2003 US-led invasion.
In 2010 he emerged as the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, one of the groups that later became Isis.
Baghdadi is regarded as a battlefield commander and tactician, which analysts say makes his group more attractive to young jihadists than al-Qaeda, which is led by Ayman al-Zawahiri, an Islamic theologian.
Prof Peter Neumann of King's College London estimates that about 80% of Western fighters in Syria have joined the group.
IS claims to have fighters from the UK, France, Germany and other European countries, as well as the US, the Arab world and the Caucasus.
Unlike other rebel groups in Syria, IS is seen to be working towards an Islamic emirate that straddles Syria and Iraq.
The group has seen considerable military success. In March 2013, it took over the Syrian city of Raqqa - the first provincial capital to fall under rebel control.
In January 2014, it capitalised on growing tension between Iraq's Sunni minority and Shia-led government by taking control of the predominantly Sunni city of Fallujah, in the western province of Anbar.
It also seized large sections of the provincial capital, Ramadi, and has a presence in a number of towns near the Turkish and Syrian borders.
The group has gained a reputation for brutal rule in the areas that it controls.
However, it was its conquest of Mosul in June that sent shockwaves around the world.
The US said the fall of Iraq's second city posed a threat to the entire region. It may also have made ISIS the most cash-rich militant group in the world.
Initially, the group relied on donations from wealthy individuals in Gulf Arab states, particularly Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, who supported its fight against President Bashar al-Assad.
Today, IS is said to earn significant amounts from the oil fields it controls in eastern Syria, reportedly selling some of the supply back to the Syrian government. It is also believed to have been selling looted antiquities from historical sites.
Prof Neumann believes that before the capture of Mosul in June 2014, IS had cash and assets worth about $900m (£500m). Afterwards, this rose to around $2bn (£1.18bn).
The group reportedly took hundreds of millions of dollars from Mosul's branch of Iraq's central bank. And its financial windfall looked set to continue if it maintains control of oil fields in northern Iraq.
Inter-rebel tension
The group has been operating independently of other jihadist groups in Syria such as the al-Nusra Front, the official al-Qaeda affiliate in the country, and has had a tense relationship with other rebels.
Baghdadi sought to merge with al-Nusra, which rejected the deal, and the two groups have operated separately since.
Zawahiri has urged IS to focus on Iraq and leave Syria to al-Nusra, but Baghdadi and his fighters openly defied the al-Qaeda chief.
Hostility to IS grew steadily in Syria as regularly attacked fellow rebels and abused civilian supporters of the Syrian opposition.
In January 2014, rebels from both Western-backed and Islamist groups launched an offensive against IS, seeking to drive its predominantly foreign fighters out of Syria.
Thousands of people are reported to have been killed in the infighting.

IS strongholds in Syrian rebel-held and contested areas

2014年8月15日 星期五


原影片說明:發佈日期 2014 8 15
【民視即時新聞】台灣最近真的不平靜,新北市新店安康路二段,「永保安康」社區大樓的 ­3 樓民宅,中午發生氣爆意外,現場濃煙、火舌四竄,爆炸的威力強大,對面的商店街,整­排店家玻璃幾乎全破,附近兩百公尺的馬路上,散落一地的碎玻璃跟物品,總共造成 1 1­4 傷!

新聞來源:民報編輯部  2014-08-15 23:53
新北市新店安康路 2 段一處住宅大樓今天中午發生瓦斯氣爆,共造成 1 人死亡、14 人受傷,其中包括一家祖孫 1 死、2 重傷。對於氣爆釀災原因,台北地檢署會同新北市警消調查。
新北市消防 119 今天中午 11 46 分接獲,出動各式消防車及救護車輛 38 輛、消防及義消人員 97 人前往現場搶救。11 55 分轄區安康分隊抵達現場救災人員回報3樓火煙竄出,佈署水線搶救,同時疏散民眾。
經過約 1 小時灌救,火勢於 12 56 分、13 19 分熄滅、14 38 分殘火處理完畢,傷者分別送往新店耕莘、雙和、慈濟、萬芳等醫院急救。
這起氣爆案造成 1 2 歲男童到院前死亡,另外男童的 3 歲姐姐,以及 50 多歲的阿嬤高姓婦人等 2 人重傷送雙和醫院,其中高婦左手骨折,全身 90% 燙傷,送醫無意識。祖孫兩人分別送雙和醫院、台北市萬芳醫院,女童稍晚轉送台北馬偕醫院。
這起住宅氣爆另有 12 人遭嗆傷,包括 1 名張姓消防人員遭氣爆威力,由 3 樓電梯井跌落到地下室 3 樓。
現場氣爆威力強大,大樓電梯動彈不得,路上到處都是碎玻璃,距離 20 多公尺的對街社區受爆炸威力波及天花板掉落。受災戶忙著拍照存證,便於日後求償。
3 樓火警現場一片狼籍,整面牆壁燒焦,包括新北市警局鑑識中心主任黃女恩與消防局火災調查科鑑識人員在 3 樓、4 樓的火場蒐證。台北地檢署檢察官傍晚抵達現場,會同警、消追查氣爆原因。
氣爆現場強烈的爆炸威力,將雜物震飛到電線上,災後,台灣電力公司人員以雲梯升高,清理電線上的雜物,希望受影響的 80 多戶社區住戶儘速復電。

2014年8月13日 星期三


  1. 如同兩蔣,馬英九認為自己是「身分地位」遠高於「台灣殖民地百姓」的中國難民「貴族」或「皇族」,他的祖國是已故中華民國和現存中華人民共和國。不同於兩蔣高喊「消滅共匪,光復大陸,恢復中華民國」等戰爭口號奴役台灣全民為兩蔣率領的中國武裝難民團扛負「中國統一內戰」包袱的戒嚴暴政時期,馬英九及其領導的馬系團改以「嶄新思維」創造所謂的「兩岸和平統一理想」,雖然他們可能願意遵循理智判斷力承認中華民國已經被消滅的歷史事實,卻企圖將台灣送給中華人民共和國,以完成這群在台中國難民「回歸祖國」卻不必前往中華人民共和國領土接受中國共產黨「統治」的「中國統一」目標。
  2. 兩蔣與馬英九的原鄉和祖國都不是台灣,卻因為蔣介石曾領導已故中華民國政府非法侵略台灣,以及,中華民國被中國共產黨消滅後,蔣介石武裝難民團仍假借中華民國政府名義非法侵占台灣,所以,馬英九至今仍認定台灣必須是蔣介石武裝難民團殖民下的「中華民國殖民地」或「中國殖民地」。為了繼承他的「蔣公遺訓」,馬英九「效法」蔣介石,企圖強迫台灣全民一起假裝成已故中華民國難民或現存中國難民,並以兩蔣戒嚴時期將「台獨份子」視為務必殲滅的「叛國暴力份子」的獨裁心態對付所有不想當中國難民甚至完全沒有中國難民經驗的台灣國民。
  3. 就像蔣介石把台灣界定為「反共復國跳板」一樣,馬英九也是以「難民宗主國」心態,把台灣這個在他心中只能是「中國殖民地」的國家,定位為「投共返國籌碼」。事實上,無論是兩蔣把台灣當成「跳板」或馬英九把台灣當成「籌碼」,都已經侵奪台灣全民的基本人權,也都無能理解和遵守聯合國大會通過的舊金山和平條約與聯合國憲章賦予台灣全民的主權在民和住民自決等現代國際法理。
  4. 兩蔣和馬英九率領的中國國民黨一直把台灣視為「中華民國殖民地」或「中國殖民地」,並且強迫全體台灣住民必須假裝成中國難民,所以,一旦有台灣國民不願服從這個「命令」或公開反對這個不符合情理法的政治迫害手段時,兩蔣採取的手段是囚禁、驅逐或格殺勿論,至於馬英九,因為六年多來接掌的台灣中央政府曾經被兩位前任民選總統李登輝和陳水扁大力改革過,因此,無法再濫用黨國合一與戒嚴暴政等獨裁手段,不過,這個人照樣一邊啟動鎮暴警察和「黨國」司法體系對付手無寸鐵的非暴力街頭民主人士,另一邊漫天胡扯「警民對立」、「藍綠對立」和「暴民亂政」等惡意抹黑受害者的偏激謊言。
  5. 由於兩蔣與馬的中國難民情結使他們無法把台灣視為安身立命的家鄉與祖國,所以,兩蔣暴政時期,不但難以奢望獨裁者領導的「宗主國政府」全力搶救天災災民,甚至,所有人民都得在恐怖封閉政治環境裡忍受政府暴力威脅與侵犯;至於,馬政府時期,就算打著民選政府名義主宰國庫與全國政治資源,卻只知揮霍民脂民膏圖利中國難民「皇族」與「貴族」,每遇天災人禍時,這個「天高皇帝遠」的台灣民選政府的救災表現甚至可能不如一些友台的其他民主國家政府,當然更比不上許多真心把台灣視為家鄉與祖國的本國國民、公民組織、民主政黨與地方政府。
  6. 兩蔣與馬英九領導的中國難民組織無法歸返中國的理由來自中國政客不容兩黨政治與缺乏民主素養,可是,至今為止,這個組織不但不願面對現實,甚至還繼續散佈中華民國還存在台灣的謊言自欺欺人,在這個謊言之下,唯一受害族群是所有不願冒充中國難民的台灣國民。如果台灣無法誠實面對且和平破解中國難民組織製造的現存虛構「中華民國」課題,那麼,台灣民主之路必定難逃中國國民黨與中國共產黨的內外夾擊。

2014年8月9日 星期六


超過 3,000 人次的輪值、近 1,000 位熱血醫療人員的投入、24 個日夜的守護、一段深刻的記憶⋯⋯
2014 3 18 號的夜晚起,持續 24 天的白晝黑夜,在台灣的民主殿堂立法院內、外,曾經,這裡有一群人,不分晴暑或暴雨,共同並肩流著汗水與淚水,寫下這屬於台灣人民的歷史。

原影片說明:2014 8 7