2015年4月26日 星期日


新聞來源:自由時報生活版 2015 – 04 - 26  18:26
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕 昨天尼泊爾發生規模 7.8 的強震造成當地人員嚴重傷亡,觀光局稍早表示,目前已有旅客搭機抵達台灣,另外,據外交部表示,台灣目前在尼泊爾的旅客有 177 名,其中仍有 28 人尚未取得聯繫。
尼泊爾昨天發生發生近 81 年來最嚴重地震,芮氏規模 7.8 的強震導致當地民眾和國際旅客死傷嚴重,目前死亡人數持續上修,設在首都加德滿都的國家緊急行動中心表示,尼泊爾境內的罹難者至少 2,352 人、6,239 人受傷;若再加上受到波及的鄰國,因地震死亡的總人數已超過 2,430 人。
強震過後,當地餘震頻傳,加德滿都今天出現規模 6.7 的餘震,民眾紛紛逃到街頭避難,災情慘重,各國也派出救援隊協助災區,其中,德國、法國將分別出動 52 人、11 人搜救隊,明天啟程前往當地救災。
《中央社》報導指出,目前已有野樵協會登山團搭機抵台,據悉,野樵協會登山團是由野樵協會組成的 2 個登山團,目前有一團 13 人已於今天下午抵達台灣,另有一團仍在尼泊爾等待候補機位,而原訂凌晨抵台的東菱旅行團則因班機延誤,回台時間還不確定。
據外交部發言人高安表示,台灣目前在尼泊爾的旅客已上修至 177 名,目前雖已與 149 人取得聯繫並獲悉平安,但有 28 人尚未取得聯繫。
此外,昨天原預估地震規模為 7.9,但美國地質調查所今天將地震規模下修為 7.8,震央距首都加德滿都 77 公里、震源深度 15公里。

"People were grabbing each other ...
and once it finished there was floods of people just running to open spaces"
By Seamus Kearneyeuronews 26/04/2015 16:44 CET
The need for international help for Nepalquake victims is growing, with tens of thousands of people facing difficult conditions.
Many have been forced from damaged buildings, others are too scared to be inside in case of further tremors.
Megan Butler, an Australian education instructor camping outdoors, told reporters: “It took everyone by surprise and people flooded out of the shops, the street was filled, people were grabbing each other and then everyone waited for it to finish, and once it finished there was just floods of people just running to open spaces.”
Food and water and medical supplies are being flown in from various countries.
Rescue teams with sniffer dogs from nations including the US and China have also started to arrive.
But as the aid is flown in, many foreign nationals are desperate to leave, queuing up at the main airports hoping for flights.
The priority at the moment though is help for the survivors.
Offers of help for Nepal are coming in from around the world.
Rescue teams in Los Angeles have left for Kathmandu with specialist equipment.
It is a race against the clock to reach those who may still be alive beneath the rubble.
Los Angeles County Fire Department Chief John Tripp told reporters: “Our main mission – and we’re committed to this mission because we live in earthquake country – is that we find people in collapsed buildings and we try to rescue them, and then lend aid to them.”
Rescue teams from China have also left Beijing bound for Nepal.
They are taking specialist equipment, as well as sniffer dogs trained in finding survivors.
Checks for casualties and damage continue to be carried out in neighbouring countries, including China, India and Bangladesh, which also felt the quake and aftershocks.