2014年6月29日 星期日


新聞來源:自由時報 2014-06-29 體育新聞
〔駐歐洲特派記者胡蕙寧/倫敦巴黎報導〕法國費加洛報(Figaro26 日刊登專文,介紹台灣的環保塑料球衣,表示擁有 2,300 萬人民的島國已贏得了世界盃冠軍,但不是在巴西的足球場上,而是在球員更衣室裡。
今年世界盃有 10 支球隊用這種球衣,這些使用超過 1,300 萬個寶特瓶的衣料,約等於 29 個足球場。國際足總估計今年世界盃在此產生的利潤,將超過 400 億美元,其中服裝業是最主要的受益者。
2010 年世界盃,回收寶特瓶再製的纖維布料衣服就已受青睞,當時 32 隊有 9 國穿上台製 PET 環保球衣,估價商機至少 20 億美元。
台灣年消耗 45 億塑膠瓶,經處理後的織物具有更輕、比棉布更有吸收性的優點,特別環保之外,在製造過程中所節約的能源更高達約 30%。因為訂單豐富,台灣甚至必須進口舊瓶子來滿足需求。
報導中稱慈濟基金會自 1991 年以來,一直在這個新紡織纖維的發展有著關鍵作用。因為它擁有近 5,400 個回收站,每年可採集 1 2,000 噸用過的瓶子。

影片來源:Greentrade GTPO
原影片說明:發佈日期 2012 8 22
Super Textile was established in 1975 as a manufacturer of industrial textile products which includes speaker fabric, and fabric for strollers. starting from 1993, Super Textile has been researching and developing Eco fabrics, which made from recycled plastic bottles. Super Textile has passed the internationally recognized Oeko-Tex Standard 100, CE, and Taiwan' s Green mark; we have even received the Taiwan Excellence Award. 
As environmental awareness has grown in the recent years, Super Textile' s efforts have started to be recognized. In 2010, Super Textile was the first in the world to pass recycled System/Material certification of TUV Rheinland, and has received the National Sustainable Development Award, Global View Magazine' s Environment Hero Award as well. In 2011 we have got the Excellent Small to Medium Enterprises CSR Award and the 2011 Taiwan Green Classics Awards.
During the 2010 Football World Cup in South Africa, a Taiwanese company participated in a unique way by providing jerseys made out of plastic bottles to national sides sponsored by Nike. Now the same technology is being applied in a more practical way and all of Taipei's council workers use uniforms 100% made out of discarded plastic bottles. Plastic takes an average of 450 years to biodegrade in the environment and initiatives like this can have a major impact on...